Hogan Speaks Out on Nick’s Imminent Release From Jail

Thanks to reader Kevin McGuffey for sending in the following:

Hulk Hogan was featured in a two minute segment on last nightâ<80><99>s Inside Edition. Interviewed by April Woodard, they talked about the impending release of Nick Hogan from jail next week. Hogan said that jail has actually been a good experience for him. When asked about those who say Nick is getting out early and that is wrong, Hogan stated â<80><9c>He is NOT getting out early, he is simply taking advantage of a Florida law that states if you work hard in jail, take a job and work 12 hours a day, you get what is called â<80>~Good Gained Timeâ<80><99>.â<80> This is apparently how he is getting out a little early.

Next they do a brief recap of how Nick got sent to jail in the first place. When asked about reports that Nick had been a spoiled brat, Hulk said it wasnâ<80><99>t true and that it has been a great reality check for him. He says that Nick has made a huge change and once he gets out, with his intent, vision and wanting to start several charities, he is going to be a great man.

At the very end there was a brief mention of Celebrity Championship Wrestling. They ran through a list of the celebrity contestants and that the egos were sometimes too hard to handle “even for Hulk Hogan.” No mention of the divorce or Brooke.


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