WZ Exclusive: The Sandman Being Falsely Promoted

I was recently contacted by The Sandman concerning false promotions being made claiming he will be appearing at an “Extreme Reunion” Show being run by Justin Credible. He later contacted me and said that he WILL be appearing at the PWS show that we reported on earlier which is taking place on December 6th. It should also be noted that although Justin Credible is NOT running the “Extreme Reunion” show, he WILL be appearing on it. The Sandman wrote me the following:

I noticed you posted something saying that I was gonna be in Connecticut for Justin Credible on November 22nd. I am being False Advertised as I will just be returning from a tour and I’ve spoke with close friends of Justin’s and they said it’s not his event it’s this kid Nathan Ward’s show who runs ward promotions he is also false advertising Balls Mahoney can you please post the news.

