First Batch of Reader Feedback To Hogan’s New Reality Show

From Ariella:

I personally found the show to be better than my original expectations. It shows behind the scenes what isn’t even talked about anywhere else on tv. The learning to take bumps, learning how to execute maneuvers. Also it doesn’t try to hid the fact that wrestling is a scripted Soap Opera. We knew we were watching a show but it didn’t matter. Danny Bonaduce, Rodman, and Butterbean really had the working the crowd part down, which being it was there first day was nice to see. The other celebrities really need to learn what they are doing, it was quite clear which ones have seen a wrestling match and which haven’t based on their performances.

Out of 5 I would give the show a 3.5.


From Ryan:

I watched the premiere and I have to say, it was about what I expected. Just another lame attempt to give some washed celebrities a little more fame. To be honest, I only know a few celebrities on the show. Onto the “wrestling” aspect of the show, I will say they weren’t horrible and were alright for beginners, but I don’t think any of these washed up celebs could ever make it in the business. It is kind of cool to see some familiar faces of wrestling; like Brian Knobs, Jimmy Hart, Eric Bichoff, Brutus Beefcake and of course Hulk Hogan. Plus I think some other wrestling stars will appear on the show later on. So, Ill probabley watch the show weekly, just for the fact of the notable stars on the program and the ones that might appear. I just really think they couldv’e done a little better job picking out the celebs. I find these celebs more famous from their VH1 fame than what ever it is they did before.


From Steve:

I watched Hogans CCW and didnt really have much for expectations when I watched it. I feel the live crowd was pretty into the show, sometimes more into the show than fans are at WWE Raw. I think I will probably watch it again just to see who gets eliminated next. I wonder what type of a deal these “stars” are getting to be on the show. All of them should just be grateful just to get some money as I doubt Dustin Diamond has any movie/shows coming up soon.


From Brandon:

I thought the show was phenomenal. It gave insight into the real world of wrestling. It was a combination of entertainment and reality that was an instant success. I eagerly await next weeks show as we watch the show skyrocket through the ratings!


From Sean:

The show isn’t bad from the training aspect, the the wrestling matches themselves are circa 1985 with the audience. The “Beefcake Rules” sign are definitely a thing of the past and almost an insult to think that someone actuall brought that to the arena and it wasn’t just handed out to them by a “suit”. I thought the commentating was a little lame at times but overall not bad. Finally, I am the biggest Hogan fan, but don’t sell this being the biggest event in wrestling history to us please. It’s a reality show, not Wrestlemania 3, not Clash of the Champions, not even NWO’s Souled Out that was in black and white. I will definitely continue watching because it’s a worth-while watch and entertaining. Not to mention I’m sure Bonaduce is going to have roid rage at some point and Butterbean(King Kong Bundy) will do something other than a clothesline during atleast one episode. I give the first episode a 7 out of 10. Just rid the WCW Worldwide fabricated audience.