Live Fan Report From Last Night’s 3 Hour Raw Special

Thanks to Alexander for sending this in:

Well, I was live in attendance, sent you an email from the show to tell you about the top section being blacked out, found it interesting to say the least.

The dark match with D-Lo and Mike Knox was alright, nothing special, although D-Lo was definitely over. Kind of strange to me considering the people around me cheered for him like crazy and have no idea who he is. They think he’s a new talent.

I liked the Orton promo, and was surprised to later find out he will be wrestling tonight. Great to see him back.

The hardy match was good. Always fun to see those two, especially live. I don’t watch SmackDown or ECW, so seeing them again was refreshing, and they put on a great match. I also got some fantastic pictures.

The Battle Royal was boring as they usually are. I actually began to get confused when Ted eliminated his team. It didn’t make much sense to me. I, and the people around me, thought the Regal finish was lame. Why don’t they have count-outs in Battle Royals? We all wanted to see Ted get a push, especially since we thought he was breaking off from Cody and Manu since he eliminated them.

I marked out for a minute when Bret’s music hit. I thought they had him doing something via satellite, or something. Then I realized he has no idea who Koslov is, and before Haas came out, it hit me. It was fun to mark out and be surprised, even if it was for a minute. I have no idea what the point of an inter-brand squash match is. Also, this gimmick is starting to really suck. It was really funny at first, but the constant jobbing is making it lose it’s flare. Haas gets great pops, but he keeps losing. If Eugene can get a push, why can’t this guy, especially since the people he’s imitating make no sense based on who he’s going against. Also, I never realized how much he looks like Lance Storm until tonight.

I think the Diva match was at this point, but I don’t remember because I didn’t take pictures because me, and about half of the arena went to the bathroom. Now I finally understand why women’s matches are always half way through the show.

The D-X match was cool, love the comedy routine, even though I’ve always said the second D-X makes NO sense whatsoever. Great match, although I was hoping they would job and “pass the torch.” One can dream. Again, great comedy, decent match, fun to watch, but the “smark” in me cringes everytime I watch and laugh at their jokes.

It was great seeing Orton again. I think he’s taken some acting classes because his mic work has been great lately. I was really looking forward to this match. Unfortunately the match itself was not very memorable, so I can’t comment. I will say, the end of this match left me, and everyone else completely confused. First, Ted betrays his team-mates and elimates them in a Battle Royal. OK. Then, sometime, backstage, without showing us what happened, they all make up and decide to run out together. Then Orton kicks him, and they’re concerned. They played it off great as a real injury. My girlfriend was scared and thought it was real. Then backstage, Orton cuts a great promo on Manu’s lisp and Cody’s…. well….. He’s Cody!!!! They’re concerned for him. Why? He just eliminated your IC chance. WTF?

JBL Undertaker. Cool, but really, at this point, who expects JBL to win? Throw the dude a bone, and let him get some of his credibility back. He has none, and at this point, nobody even bothers to Boo him. It’s pathetic that a guy who has “Wrestling God” on his Titan Tron can’t beat anybody better than Charlie Haas and Random Local Jobber #1 throguh #7. At least the match was kind of entertaining.

Kung Fu Naki…. yeah….well…. it’s Kung Fu Naki. My brain hurt after that.

The tag match. This had to be the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a long time. First of all, I’ve always felt that these makeshift tag teams are just to make sure the “entertainers” get camera time. Regardless of how stupid this Kane Rey fued is, I’d much rather of seen Kane – Rey as a Dark Main Event and Kofi – Henry on Raw than this stupid ass tag team match. If Kofi is a tah champ, why would he be teaming with Rey? It just makes NO sense. I hated this. It doesn’t help that I think Mark Henry is terrible, always has been and always will be, the match just sucked. Poor Kane, I heard he wants to retire soon, and this is what he’ll be remembered for at this rate… ECTW… Extremely Crappy Tag Wrestling.

The cage match was fantastic. I was convinced Jericho was going to sneak a win twice, but they did it nicely, although I think Craptista missed a spot because from where I was sitting, Jericho’s exit that was out the door looked like it was supposed to be stopped by Batista, only to see Jericho sabotage himself. Maybe Jericho botched it and went too fast, I have no idea. Like I said, the match was good, but the ending was great. I can’t stand Batista, I think he’s an arrogant asshole, who can’t get enough of his own ego. I was thrilled to see the Belt on an entertainer who can entertain in every fashion. I think Jericho is a MUCH more talented champ, and I’m glad to see it on him.

I kind of expected a Dark Main Event, with no Heat and only one Dark Match, but it’s not a big deal in all honesty with Raw being an extra hour, maybe I’ve just been spoiled at this point.

I had a ton of fun, thought it was a great show, and was definitely better than Raw as of late.


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