The UK Sun has published another column by Paul Heyman. This time Heyman offers WWE some advice on how to freshen its current product. Heyman writes, “So what’s the biggest problem with the WWE product? Is it Vince McMahon? Well, he’s 63, but that doesn’t mean he has to be so out of the loop in terms of cultural waves. I just think Vince is listening to the same group of people who are stuck in the bubble of the WWE Universe, while pop culture is totally different today than it was even six months ago…
“Vince McMahon’s desire to produce the world’s most spectacular action-oriented variety show
is now in direct conflict with his product’s ability to progress. Hey, I’m not knocking the success of Monday Night Raw. Just that the current format alone has lasted longer than anyone could have ever imagined.” To read the full article, visit the UK Sun.