JR Speaks on Steamboat Jr, Tazz and Striker Heat, Nash and More

Jim Ross is back with a new blog over at JRsBarBQ.com. Below are some highlights:

On The Pacquiao/De La Hoya Fight: â<80><9c>Manny Pacquiao defeating Oscar De La Hoya was not a surprise to me but Oscar not being able to finish was. De La Hoya has essentially carried the waning, boxing business on his back and the combination of the hellaciously relentless Pacquiao and Mother Nature was too much for the â<80><9c>Golden Boyâ<80> (not the late Arnold Skaaland) to overcome. Oscar has invested well, prepared for his future and seems to be financially set for the balance of his life which is refreshing to know. Boxing, however, in general is so diluted that I canâ<80><99>t even name all the heavyweight champs and I consider myself a decent boxing fanâ<80>¦or at least I used to be before the UFC came along.â<80>

On Ricky Steamboat, Jr: “I met Ricky Steamboat’s son several months ago and thought at the time, simply by his look, the kid might be special. I know that the younger Steamboat is athletic and was an outstanding high school athlete. The son of the “Dragon” will hopefully be scarfed up by the WWE at some point and sent to FCW to train with many other second generation competitors. The elder Steamboat was an amazing hand in his day and Ricky’s bouts with Ric Flair are still talked about today and were some of the best I ever had the privilege of broadcasting.”

On Kevin Nash: “Read a nice story where some fans enjoyed meeting Kevin Nash at a recent Indy event. Kevin is one of the wittiest, most engaging guys around and when I had my radio show on AM750 WSB in Atlanta on Sunday nights I had Kevin on as a guest many times. As a matter of fact he was probably my best guest and his glibness helped get him noticed by WCW decision makers (is that an oxymoron??) as until then Kevin was just considered a huge, jacked up former bouncer from the Cheetah and former Tennessee hoopster. Kevin could easily do talk radio if he ever chooses to and would be damn good at it. Smart guy who has invested well and won’t have to be wrestling Indy dates when he is north of 50 unless he simply wants to.”

On Tazz and Matt Striker’s Relationship: “Read where someone speculated that Tazz might be ‘jealous’ of Matt Striker and that’s not accurate. Tazz likes to ‘break balls’ as it is in his DNA and Striker is such a ‘wrestling nerd’ that Striker himself facilitates these confrontational opportunities for the enjoyment of all of us who hang around ‘the back’ and in catering at WWE TV tapings. I assure that it is all in good fun as all three WWE announce teams get along very well.”


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