Ex WWE/ECW Star Kevin Thorn On ECW, Test, & More

Former WWE/ECW superstar, Kevin Fertig (Kevin Thorn/Mordecai), was the special guest on this week’s live edition (03/16/09) of Monday Night Mayhem, hosted by The Big Mosh & Blade. You can feel The Mayhem live & in streaming audio every Monday night (at 8PM ET/7PM CT), exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (www.MondayNightMayhem.com, www.ITunes.com, www.AudioWrestling.com, & www.MySpace.com/MondayNightMayhem).


Kevin’s first post-WWE interview (exclusively found only on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network) is now available for free in Windows Streaming Media, or via The Mayhem’s official Podcast On ITunes:


Kevin Fertig Interview/MNM Streaming Audio: www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/waxfiles/031609.wax


Kevin Fertig Interview/MNM Podcast On ITunes: www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/mar09/031609.mp3


Here are some of the highlights of Kevin’s exclusive interview on the show, provided by The Mayhem’s co-host, John "The Big Mosh" Masiulionis:


Comments that many across the globe have been waiting for a long time to hear…Kevin was welcomed to the program by The Mayhem Crew (The Big Mosh & Blade), and to start things off, Kevin wished to publicly thank his loyal fans that have stood by him during these past few months. He wished to assure them that "this is not the end…I promise you…This is just the beginning."

A lot of rumors & speculation swirled upon Kevin’s WWE departure about being "future endeavored" and/or released by the company. To clarify any confusion, Kevin told The Mayhem that he is still under WWE contract at this time (through April 5th). He was offered to re-sign a new WWE contract earlier this year (in January), and he made the decision to turn that down. One of the main reasons he started up his official WWE Universe page was to convey his message of "The Brotherhood" (which was meant for the "broken, bruised, beaten, & abused"). Kevin’s goal was to have "those held down to step up." He continued by saying something that some might find shocking: "To be honest…The WWE was not letting me be me." He classified him being himself as being "dark, being sick, & sinister." Kevin added that he is "sick & tired of hiding in the dark, and come April 5th, I promise you, I am going to let it out."

Kevin’s biggest success he achieved while in the WWE was with Shelly Martinez (as "Ariel") on the ECW brand. "We took it to that next step," said Kevin of his on-screen chemistry with her. He described their relationship as "brother/sister" in nature, and that both of them took all of their energies out right as they went through the curtain. Kevin also added that their partnership was "love/hate," just as much as brother/sister. He credits her look that she had, which he went on record saying was one of the most unique that the business has seen in over a decade. "The package was there…it was marketable, it was hip, it was starting to get a groove with the fans.."

Mosh asked Kevin if their was any doubt or jealousy from the "Originals" of Extreme Championship Wrestling towards The New Breed that was coming into the fold as part of the new ECW. Kevin said that "some of it started off as that," but after guys like himself, "The Alpha Male" Marcus Cor Von (Monty Brown), Elijah Burke, & several others brought their A-game to the ring, the originators of "extreme" (Sabu, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, & Rob Van Dam) saw that firstand & took notice. "It kind of started off as ‘new vs. old-school,’ and we wanted to claim it as ours….We didn’t want to be flushed out…I wanted to put my stamp in it." He also felt that the "New Breed"/"Originals" storyline was unfortunately "rushed," especially leading into their collision at WrestleMania 23 in Detroit, MI. One his fondest memories was their re-match (held under "Extreme Rules" on "ECW On Sci-Fi") in Ft. Wayne, IN), after competing in front of 80,000+ fans at Ford Field in "The Motor City," and that all of the superstars involved were taking it to another level. "Man, that was a rush…We held our own with them….There’s no reason for this to stop." Mere days & shortly thereafter, CM Punk was brought into the equation, was put in the middle of their ongoing feud, & was going to be getting an even bigger push, which Kevin had no issues with/thought was cool. "It could have been done totally different…I still bang my head against the wall….The ball was dropped." Be sure to listen longer to this exclusive Mayhem interview with Kevin, as to why he believes that Punk did not need to be a part of this feud.

One of the rumored storylines that never came to fruition was a newer version of "The Brood," featuring Kevin, former WWE superstar, David "Gangrel" Heath, & Ariel. Blade & Mosh posed the question to Kevin as to why did this not see the light of day. "I don’t know…I wish it would’ve have." The general concept of this was initiated in large part to Paul Heyman, as they were slated to have a "Bite Club," which would have included a "following." Kevin was disappointed to see this hit the cutting room floor, especially since once year prior to the re-launch of the new ECW, himself & David were going to tag up together on SmackDown…which also never came to be. Kevin has heard rumors over the years that Vince McMahon hates vampires. He never had the chance to ask him that on-on-one, and so he does not know the true answer to that wrestling myth. Kevin also added that with the worldwide success of "True Blood" & "Twilight" that this proposed idea involving himself could reach heights never seen before, and that the company could have capitalized on the latest & hottest concepts coming from Hollywood. Fast-forward approximately one year later & not long after those ideas were discussed, he was asked to be "normal" & wrestle in a singlet, and eventually Kevin was phased out of the WWE.

Two of the main players going back to the original days of Extreme Championship Wrestling were Paul Heyman & Tommy Dreamer. Mosh & Blade asked Kevin if Paul was close to leaving ECW prior to the now-infamous "December To Dismember" PPV, as well as if we are indeed seeing the final in-ring days of "The Innovator Of Violence." Kevin wholeheartedly believes there is a "lot of butting heads" within the WWE, and that if the right creative juices were flowing, that ECW could have been getting 2’s & 3’s in the ratings & that ECW On Sci-Fi could be a two-hour show, He describes Paul as "a genius," and Tommy is "the most underrated guy in the WWE." Some of his best & most-fun matches were with Tommy. "He is the new common man. He is the new Dusty Rhodes. He does not have the typical WWE body & look. A guy can sit & relate to him. What’s not to like about that? So why won’t you use him?"

Kevin, along with many of his former WWE colleagues/friends are still mourning the loss of Andrew "Test Martin, who passed away last Friday at the age of 33. Kevin had the opportunities to compete with "Test," as well as travel with him. When he saw Andrew last year at WrestleMania XXIV in Orlando, FL, Kevin described seeing him as "having the weight of the world" lifted off of his shoulders." Kevin continued on by saying that Andrew was the kind of guy that worked out because he simply wanted to look better than everyone else, and at the same time, would give the shirt off of his back for you. One of his best memories of "Test" was how he used to call everyone in the WWE locker room "jobber." With this being another unfortunate loss in the wrestling world, Kevin said that it is time for everyone to look one another in the eye on a daily basis & ask one simple question: "Are you ok?" He sincerely hopes that one than one person can take the time to tell one of their friends "Enough’s enough…You’re pushing the envelope too much here," and that the accountability needs to really step up, especially in the world of professional wrestling. "We all think we’re immortal…Once you get under those lights & have those people around you, there’s no greater high…There’s no greater moment on Earth when you’re out there in front of those people, it’s jamming, you’ve got them in the power of your hand…It’s a rush. When you get back through the curtain, that rush kinda’ leaves you…When you walk through that curtain, it’s ectasy. I can walk on water right now…for that moment in time. Sometimes, guys get lonely, miss that feeling, & they try to search for it in ways they maybe shouldn’t." Kevin used the saying of "chasing the dragon," and that a large percentage of guys in the business follow that age-old adage.

The questions have already begun…the rumors have been swirling…Will we see Kevin Fertig in a six-sided TNA ring or competing for Ring Of Honor, as part of their new association with HDNet. Last weekend, Kevin saw Jimmy Jacobs up-close & personal…and he liked what he saw. He credits ROH as a company for the passion, heart, & drive: from starting as a small, independent promotion to where they are now, with an amazing "never-say-die" attitude. "They’re out there having fun (with no real restraints), and they are getting to do what they love…What’s there to not love about that?" Kevin also said he would love to have the chance to perform in front of the TNA audience & work with TNA as a company. He sees both organizations as "growing daily," and will be competitors. With regards to which company makes the most sense for him, he admits he’s not sure of that answer right now. "I want to go somewhere & prove exactly what I am: I’m a hard-worker, I show up to work on time, I pass all your drug tests, I don’t b*tch, moan, or compain when told I need to go out there & do a favor, I go out there for the wrestling, I go out there & give 100% every time, no matter what. It comes down to does the company want an employee that’s going to be loyal & care about their product, because that’s who I am & what I’m about."

Kevin’s final message to The Mayhem Nation & his fans worldwide: "I want to make a statement…I’m promising people after April 5th, I am going to make a statement." He is going to put out some promos/videos on YouTube, in order for everyone to have the chance to see what they were not able to see before in his WWE run: that he can talk. In closing, Kevin wishes to thank World Wrestling Entertainment for giving him the opportunity to perform, as well as for paying him for the past year — with the chance to stay at home with his new son, in addition to getting his hip fixed (which he mentioned was broken at the time of ECW’s re-launch…the same injury NY Yankees All-Star slugger, Alex Rodriguez recently had). Was he frustrated? Yes. He does want to move on to a place where he will not have those sentiments.. A final parting shot to those within the WWE: "Guys, I hate to tell you this: It’s going to be your loss. You’re going to find out real fast that I am going to make a mark on this business. I am going to make a name for myself."

Many more topics are discussed in this 60+ minute exclusive interview with Kevin Fertig, including his uncensored thoughts/comments on the transition of some members of the WWE Creative Team from coming up with fantastic ideas to becoming "the ultimate Yes Men," (and why those people are afraid to tell Vince McMahon the word "no"), the WWE deleting his Universe blog, why he initially thought "ECW On Sci-Fi" was potentially going to turn into a joke (and why it turned out to be "the bastard stepchild of the WWE"), why WrestleMania 23 was the highlight of his career, why we never saw a feud between himself & Elijah Burke after splitting from The New Breed (and what Kevin feels led to the decline/splitting of The New Breed faction), how ECW could have become similar to the old territories (thanks to "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes) & why he feels Dusty/Paul were "shackled" & held down with their own ideas, more on his relationship with Shelly Martinez, his takes on today’s crop of ECW superstars (and if they are better as a group than the roster back in 2007), why talking is more important & vital in wrestling in 2009, plus the transition of beginning in Ohio Valley Wrestling (which he remembers to this day as "being home") to debuting as Mordecai in the WWE. Just how close were we to seeing a feud between Mordecai & The Undertaker, and why did Kevin feel "The Pale Rider" persona only lasted for a few months. All of this & so much more, courtesy of The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network!

The Big Mosh & Blade strongly encourages all of its fans to check out Kevin’s official website (www.Kevin-Thorn.com) & his official MySpace page (www.MySpace.com/TheThornAsylum). Promoters, now is your chance to book Kevin for your spring/summer events! Contact Kevin directly @ [email protected]. The movement of The Brotherhood begins on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network!