RAW Intro Change, JBL/WWE, New Katie Lea Burchill Pics

Stevie H. sent along the following to WrestleZone.com: I noticed on RAW that John Morrison is now in the WWE intro (with all the past guys and sound-clips). I watched the old one to see who he replaced in the intro and he replaced JBL. Kinda surprised they removed JBL so fast seeing as he was with the company for years and they have lots of old superstars from the past in the intro anyway.

–WWE.com has an article entitled "Cinco de Mysterio" online today, in celebration of the Cinco de Mayo holiday.

–The "Superstar of the Day" on WWE.com today is Ezekiel Jackson. The "Daily Diva" for today is Katie Lea Burchill, so there is a new photo gallery of her up today.


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