TNA “Sacrifice” PPV Results – May 24, 2009’s exclusive, detailed TNA “Sacrifice” PPV results from May 24, 2009!

TNA Sacrifice ResultsTNA Sacrifice PPV Results — PAGE ONE
May 24, 2009
Report By: Matt Boone for

TNA Sacrifice Pre-Show:

The pre-show has officially started.

Backstage: Dr. Stevie & Daffney

Backstage we see Dr. Stevie and Daffney, but there is no audio. There is a message at the bottom of the screen that reads "Audio difficulties. Please stand by." Not sure what’s going on.

Audio returns. Video package for the Monster’s Ball match airs.

We shoot to the live arena with Jeremy Borash welcoming us. He introduces the pre-show match which is up now.

Kiyoshi vs. Amazing Red

Kiyoshi is out first. Amazing Red is out and the match is underway. "He’s amazing" chant. Red knocks Kiyoshi out of the ring and does a twisting-dive over the top that elicits a huge pop from the crowd. "That was amazing" chant breaks out. Kiyoshi with some karate chops to the throat. "Go back home" chant from the crowd as Kiyoshi is in firm control now. Sleeper-hold from Kiyoshi. Red works his way out but Kiyoshi catches him with a big slam and a quick-kick to the head. Pin attempt from Kiyoshi but he only gets two. Big chop to the head from Kiyoshi off the top. "Let’s go Red" chant as the crowd tries getting Red back in the match. Kiyoshi sits Red on the top rope. Tornado DDT from Red – both men down. Red with a drop toe-hold on Kiyoshi into the corner, and a dropkick to the back of his head. Clock shows us we have 14 minutes left until the PPV begins. Weird slam move from Kiyoshi only gets a two-count. Kiyoshi misses a moonsault off the top. Red with an awesome-DDT off the top. Standing back-flip onto Kiyoshi and Red gets the 3-count.

Winner: Amazing Red

-A video package airs previewing tonight’s Legends title "I Quit" match.

-A video package airs previewing tonight’s Kevin Nash vs. Samoa Joe match.

Backstage: Interview With Kevin Nash

Nash talks about being in the business for 21 years. He says before that was kicking ass in bars. He says he is a violent dude and tonight he’s gonna be violent with Joe.

-A video package airs previewing tonight’s 3D tag-team invitational tournament finals.

-Back in the arena, Borash is in the ring hyping up the PPV more. He kicks it over to Tenay and West who run down tonight’s card one more time.

NOTE: Click below to advance to page two of our live TNA Sacrifice results.


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