(Spoilers) WWE SmackDown! Taping Results For This Week

Detailed spoiler results for the May 29th edition of WWE SmackDown!


David Mayorga sent the following SmackDown! spoiler results to WrestleZone.com:

Smackdown! Summary (taped: 5/26/09 | air date: 5/29/09) by David Mayorga

Dark Match Main Event #1 (after the conclusion of ECW) Batista vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton inside a steel cage for the WWE Championship:

Orton enters the cage first then Batista (w/pyro) makes his entrance. Orton attempts to make a quick Escape from the cage but Batista quickly pulls him down onto the ring floor. After some offense by The Animal, Orton takes control and begins to stomp away at the arms and legs of Batista. The Animal quickly regains control with a powerful spinebuster on Orton and attempts the Batista Bomb when Ted Dibiase runs out to the cage and attempts to climb the cage on the outside only to be met with a shoulder block on the cage wall, pushing Dibiase off the cage and onto the mat. With Batista focused on Dibiase on the outside, Orton is locked on set to hit the RKO on Batista but he counters out of it, pushing Orton right into the cage wall and Orton immediately begins his escape out of the cage. Batista attempts to pull down Orton a second time but Dibiase interferes with Batista allowing Orton to make his escape over the top and outside the cage for the win. After the match, Dibiase attempts to escape through the cage door only to find it locked from the outside. Orton has already headed to the back abandoning his fellow Legacy teammate who is then subject to the wrath and force of the Batista Bomb. The cage is lifted and Batista high-fives the fans at ringside (except for one fan in particular who received the finger instead).

Smackdown Set-up:

Jim Ross followed by Todd Grisham head out to ringside to announce this week’s Smackdown!

Smackdown Segment Summary:

No opening music or pyro for this week

Rey Mysterio comes out to the ring to a loud pop and praises the fans here in Los Angeles. Talks about his upcoming No Holds Barred Match with Chris Jericho and says that not only will be able to hit the 619 at any time, he can also hit the 213, the 323, the 310, and the 818 on Jericho as well! Jericho interrupts Mysterio and continues to bad-mouth Mysterio and Mickey Rourke (who was in attendance at ringside and shown on the titantron). Jericho goes on to mention how he’s too much of a professional to not come over there, hop over that ring barrier and punch his lights out. Rourke remains seated with a sly smile and a gesture to bring it on. Jericho attempts to attack Mysterio but counters and attempts to hit the 619 on a prone Jericho but he escapes out of the ring and to the back.

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