Charlotte, North Carolina
June 15, 2009
Report By: Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com
Battle Royal:
Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. William Regel vs. Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz vs. The Big Show vs. HHH vs. John Cena
First to the ring is Legacy members Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase. Out next is MVP as his music sounds. Next to follow is Matt Hardy as his pyro and music sounds. Followed by William Regel as his music blares over the speakers in the arena. Next out is Kofi Kingston and The Miz too right thereafter. As we go to commercial The Miz is still walking to the ring. We come back to HHH coming to the ring. Last out is John Cena as the other nine contenders stand in the ring mean mugging John Cena who is walking down the ramp. Everyone standing inside the ring preparing themselves as the bell rings. Big Show is on John Cena in the corner of the ring. Cody Rhodes almost eliminated but he just went over the top rope and feet didn’t hit the floor. Once again Big Show and Cena are going at it. Randy Orton standing at the top of the ramp with his championship belt over his shoulder, eyeing up his competition. Cena attempting to get Big Show over the top rope. Matt Hardy trying to eliminate The Miz. Matt Hardy holding on to the ropes trying not to let his feet touch the ground on the outside of the ring. Big Show beating up Kofi Kingston. The Miz and Matt Hardy working together on John Cena. Big Show comes in and stops them both. HHH taking on both Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase. Big Show head butting John Cena and several others, taking every body out. Big Show and Jeff Hardy in the center of the ring and rolled out, but Big Show pulls him back in and throws him out, eliminating him first. Big Show knocking MVP out of the ring. Everybody in the ring working together to get Big Show out of the ring and eliminates him. The flash to Randy Orton just smiling still at the top of the ramp. Cody Rhodes attempting to throw John Cena over the top rope as Cena struggles to hold on. When we come back from commercial all that is left in the ring is HHH, John Cena, Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston, Ted DiBiase, and William Regel are the only men left standing in the ring. HHH taking on Legacy on his own. Regel once again attempting to throw John Cena over the rope. Cody Rhodes with a low blow on John Cena and then a vicious attack to follow. HHH still working on William Regel. John Cena and HHH with a long staredown in the middle of the ring as the other men lay lying around the ring damn near lifeless. HHH mercifully attacking Cena. John Cena attempting to attitude adjust HHH out of the ring. Ted DiBiase attacking Kofi Kingston who gets a second wind in the match. Legacy flips Kofi Kingston over the top rope eliminating him. Legacy then teams up to get William Regel out of the ring. Once again flashes to Randy Orton still watching the match and hasn’t moved from his spot at the top of the ramp. Legacy now double teaming The Game HHH. Legacy now ganging up on John Cena, then moving back on to The Game HHH. John Cena building momentum and taking everybody down in the ring with close lines, DiBiase out by Cena. Orton looking pissed. HHH eliminated Cody Rhodes leaving only Cena and HHH. Attitude Adjustment reversed into a Pedigree, Legacy jump back in the ring on HHH and the refs are trying to get them back out of the ring. HHH and John Cena both still down in the ring. They show Orton looking distressed. The Miz is not eliminated, he slides back in while both are still down. The Miz goes to knock both HHH and Cena out but flies over the rope and HHH throws Cena out. Which means HHH goes to The Bash PPV to challenge Randy Orton one-on-one.
Winner: HHH
Titan-tron: Donald Trump
"You’re a tough guy and a real talent. You have one the right to face Randy Orton at the PPV WWE Bash. We are not going to wait to have that match at The Bash. It will be on next week’s WWE RAW which will be commercial free. You will be in a last man standing match next week for the championship."
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