The late Dennis Coralluzzo, was the promoter for the NWA in New Jersey (as well as Championship Wrestling America, and a few other variations). While Dennis was one of the more infamous members of the National Wrestling Alliance, he didn’t really care.
As Bill Behrens stated after his passing, "Dennis was unique. I used to say he was honest about his dishonesty. Either you loved or hated him it seemed. Many in our Membership seemed to fall nto the second category. Most wrestlers who worked for him fell into the first category. Dennis was entertaining.”
But….without Dennis Coralluzzo likely there would be no NWA today. It was Dennis with Bob Trobich, who fought for the right of NWA Members to book the World Champion when he was being controlled by WCW. It was Dennis Coralluzzo along with Howard Brody who put the NWA on WWE TV (Jim Cornett helped too). After the ECW incident with Shane Douglas and the NWA Title, it was Dennis Coralluzzo who promoted the tournament that crowned Chris Candito as NWA Champion (Chris defeated Tracy Smothers…BTW, brief Tracy fact…..he sometimes wrestles without shoes…the reason???…..he wrestles without shoes when he is feeling “heavy").
But let’s get back to Dennis Coralluzzo. Dennis kept the NWA alive, and new Members joined, including me. He and Howard Brody rebuilt our organization."
Dennis Coralluzzo held some of the most memorable shows in the Northeast, including the Eddie Gilbert Memorial shows (which were not only a great tribute to Eddie, but had a who’s who of wrestling talent on them). Dennis used many amazing young talents on his shows, including this Reckless Youth, Simon Diamond, Billy Kidman, Ace Darling, Devon Storm, and a host of others. Dennis was the promoter who brought legends like Jim Cornette, Terry Funk, Dan Severn, and Dory Funk Jr. to areas where they had hardly been seen live in.
NWA Fusion from Saturday night 6-20 in Mattaponi, VA:
Mark Bravura won four-way over Krotch
Damien Wayne and Sanchez
Hate-riot b Tomkat
Mike Booth b Sean Denny
Assault & Battery b Preston Quinn & Grail
Jimmy Cicero b Zach Hilton
American Ranger b Vulstag-DQ
Horror Show b Landon Thomas
C.A. Elliot b Hilton
Da New Bloodz b Mark Anthony & Haitian Sensation
Bravura & Early & Booth b PQ & Grail & Denny