7/18 Ultimate NWA Results from Scottsboro, AL by Scott Hensley
The show begins with Will Owens, dressed in a ridiculous beach hat and Hawaiian shirt. He’s accompanied by Tony Lucassio, who Will said was an old friend of Adam that came down from Ohio. He had technical difficulties and the crowd let him have it. He teased Adam Roberts coming out but then laughed hysterically at the crowd that popped for it since Roberts had been banned from Ultimate NWA. Owens sang a horrible rendition of “Wind Beneath My Wings” and was joined by Mike Posey and “Everybody Knows” Shawn Shultz in the ring. Posey was asked to share his favorite Adam Roberts moment and he couldn’t come up with one. Shultz didn’t know who Adam Roberts was but said “EVERYBODY KNOWS Shawn Shultz”! Fans chanted “ADAM!” A strange looking guy comes in the front door in a big bright green fat suit that says SUPERSTAR on the back. Someone yelled “It’s BEAU JAMES!(he did have that kind of build. http://c3.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/image….2a307fcc872.jpg ) He’s wearing a mask, cowboy hat, and carrying his bag. He walks around the ring and Owens attempts to chase him off. The masked man runs flat into the door of where the babyfaces come out and several babyfaces come out and drag him inside as Owens and crew look on in amazement.
1) Corey Hollis vs “Everybody Knows” Shawn Shultz w/ Tony Lucassio
Shultz worked the arm of Hollis, he flips him using his arm and then taunts the crowd. Shultz takes Hollis down with a big shoulder block. Hollis back up and into a headlock by Shultz. Hollis casts Shultz into the ropes and answers back with a big shoulder block of his own. Shultz is shocked and rolls to the outside where he is comforted by Lucassio, Shultz yells “ MY HAIR IS MESSED UP!?! “ Shultz gets back in and hits Hollis with a knee. He tries to work the arm again but Hollis reverses with an impressive rolling kick up. Shultz gives him another knee and throws him into the ropes and gives him a bodyslam. He runs in for an elbow drop but misses, as Hollis rolls out of the way. Hollis gives Shultz a hiptoss and applies an armbar, which Shultz is able to get out of and send Hollis back into the ropes toward Lucassio, who grabs the feet of Hollis. Shultz blindsides the distracted Hollis with a big clothesline and then a suplex. Shultz arrogantly does pushups and struts around the ring. He grabs Hollis and applies a sleeper. Hollis rises up and sits down for a jawbreaker to escape the sleeper. Hollis hits a nice looking dropkick. Shultz is down and Mike Posey runs out! Posey grabs the legs of Hollis, giving Shultz just enough time to recover and hit a DDT for the victory.
Posey celebrates with Shultz and Lucassio but then tells Shultz he needs his help. The Ultimate NWA Tag Team belts must be defended tonight and Posey’s partner in the Official Express, Wes Adams, was unable to make it to the show. Shultz agrees and Posey tells him it is against Adam Jacobs and Patrick Bentley. The crowd goes crazy but once again the self-centered Shultz doesn’t know who they are either.
2) Justin Envy vs The Russian Assassin
Envy works the arm of Russian, who breaks the hold in the ropes. Envy takes Russian down a couple of times and hits a DDT and a standing moonsault on him for a 2 count. Russian Assassin hits a headbutt and a running knee. He plants an elbow and covers for a 2 count. Russian hits a clothesline and chokes Envy with one of his legs as he kneels and distracts the ref from what he is doing. Envy recovers and both men collide in a double clothesline that shook the ring and was like a head-on car wreck. Both men struggle to get back to their feet. Envy is first to his feet, with Russian not too far behind. The two men trade blows and Envy staggers Russian enough to hit a spinning heel kick. Russian goes for something in his flag out of desperation and Envy comes to the corner after him. Russian pushes Envy into the corner and roll him up with feet on the ropes for an incredibly cheap win.
3) Adam Jacobs & Patrick Bentley vs Mike Posey & Shawn Shultz w/ Tony Lucassio (champions) for the Ultimate NWA Tag Team championship
Some fast-paced back and forth action to begin the match, Jacobs goes into the corner and catches Posey with a jumping, swinging head-scissors out of the corner. Both sides tag out and the muscular Bentley overpowers Shultz, Shultz gains control with a kick and attempts to slam Bentley’s head into the corner but it’s blocked. Bentley gives Shultz a hiptoss and bodyslam and rolls up Shultz for two, followed by an arm drag. Shultz bails and tags in Posey. Bentley gives him an arm drag and holds on for an arm bar. Bentley lifts Posey up and makes a tag to Jacobs who springs over the top for a leg drop on Posey, who is brought down hard by Bentley. Posey is able to get Jacobs to the outside, where Shultz and Lucassio double team him. Bentley tries to get in but the ref holds him back and keeps him out. Jacobs is thrown back in and Posey covers for two. Tag to Shultz who hits his chinbreaker, backkick, swinging neckbreaker combo on Jacobs for a two count. Tag to Posey, who hits a nice looking enziguri to the seated Jacobs. Posey hits a dropkick for a two count and tags out to Shultz. Shultz hits a knee and yells “I’M GREAT!” Jacobs fights back and rolls up Shultz for two, who answers back with a huge clothesline that knocks Jacobs inside out. Tag to Posey who throws Jacobs into the turnbuckle and puts him into an abdominal stretch with constant assists from Lucassio.
Referee Jimbo Fisher finally sees Lucassio and kicks his hands from Posey’s. Adam Jacobs desperately tries to mount some offense but misses with a flying crossbody, as Posey ducks it. Jacobs is pulled to the outside and double-teamed once more. Posey is again only able to get a two count on Adam. Shultz is tagged in and hits a back body drop, he wraps his arms and legs around Jacobs and squeezes the life out of the already beaten-down Jacobs. Jacobs finally finds the strength to break the hold. Shultz attempts a pin for two. Shultz hits Jacobs with fists and chokes him. He puts Jacobs in the corner and tags out, Jacobs rolls into his own corner and make the tag to Bentley, who comes in and absolutely destroys Shultz and Posey. Jacobs recovers, as he and Bentley each do a standing 10 count punch in opposite corners on Posey and Shultz. Jacobs and Bentley attempt to throw Shultz and Posey together in the middle of the ring but both attempts are reversed. Posey and Shultz each charge toward their respective opponent, when Jacobs and Bentley each use the corner to throw their legs over the opponents and flip them into pins. Referee Jimbo Fisher uses both hands to count 1…..2……3! NEW CHAMPIONS!
Bentley and Jacobs celebrate their victory. Bentley holds up the arm of Jacobs and then TURNS ON HIM! He lays him out and hits a flip piledriver on Jacobs. The crowd is stunned. The ring announcer scrambles to figure out what is going on and returns moments later to announce that he still isn’t sure why Bentley did what he did but he does have some good news. Will Owens has issued an open challenge for his Ultimate NWA Heavyweight title. Owens comes out and the strange green “Superstar” comes out to answer the challenge. He is announced as “Mr. Rasslin Superstar Jeb Outlaw Schmidts” from Bucksnort, TN and it is announced that this is his fifth professional match. Owens says he will beat this joker in two minutes
4) “Wildthing” Will Owens vs “Mr Rasslin Superstar” Jeb Outlaw Schmidts for the Ultimate NWA Heavyweight Championship.
Crowd is 100% behind “Superstar” and 100% against Owens. Owens is unable to get much offense on Superstar and spends much of this match stalling on the outside. Superstar unmasks to the crowd and reveals himself as Adam Roberts! Owens becomes suspicious and frustrated. Superstar rolls to the outside and grabs a woman’s arm to hold up her watch. He makes sure everyone knows it has been well over two minutes. Owens is furious and being made to look like a fool. Superstar gets the better of Owens several times and dances around the ring, which the crowd loved. It was impressive he could do anything and didn’t suffocate in the “fat suit” he was wearing. Owens walks by his refreshment table for his “going away party” earlier in the show. He grabs a cookie and throws it against the wall in frustration.
Superstar gets tired of Owens stalling and comes after him on the outside, knocking him down and grabbing a pie off the refreshment table, which he slammed right in the face of Owens! It went EVERYWHERE but mainly right in the face of Will Owens! Superstar grabs a tray of cookies and nuts and busts it over the head of Owens and to top it all off, he pours a soda right on his head. This was hilarious and Owens retreated to the back after slipping and sliding all in the soda and nuts. He re-emerged with a towel and was covering his face, fighting back tears… probably of embarrassment. He told the crowd in a very whiny voice that he wasn’t crying! He had pie in his eye! Owens finally recollects himself and ruthlessly goes after Superstar, choking him and attempting to unmask him. He chokes him under the bottom rope and slingshots him into it. Owens misses with an elbow and misses with a legdrop. Owens throws Superstar into the ropes and gets caught with a neckbreaker, as Superstar gets by him. Superstar clotheslines Owens and climbs to the top. He misses with a big body splash and Owens is sure that he has it wrapped up. Superstar recovers to roll up Owens for the 3 count to become the NEW Ultimate NWA Heavyweight Champion!
Will Owens is FURIOUS and the heel locker room runs out and puts a beating on Superstar, unmasking him but before they can flip him over, Corey Hollis and Justin Envy make the save with a chair to chase off Shultz, Lucassio, and Posey. Owens storms around the ring demanding that the people admit that it is Adam Roberts and that the belt is still his because he can’t lose to someone who isn’t even allowed to wrestle in Ultimate NWA. Owens vowed that he would have his revenge, as everyone celebrated with “Superstar” over his title win.
Attendance was around 100. Ultimate NWA returns on Aug 15 to the Scottsboro armory for the $5 back to school special