Bubba The Love Sponge

Transcript Of Bubba The Love Sponge Call On Jarrett/TNA Saga

Bubba: James, out of Orlando, you’re on protection, James.

James: You got me on protection, yeah?

Bubba: Got you on protection, yeah.

James: I just wanted to call you up and let you know, man, you know Karen Angle – I know you and Kurt are good friends – Karen Angle is not who you think she is.

Bubba: Hold on, Karen Angle is a good friend of mine as well. I’m friends with Kurt Angle, Karen Angle… What’s wrong with her?

James: I don’t think she’s the type of person you think that she is, man. I don’t want to get into it too much, but she’s actually living with Jeff Jarrett now. Her and the kids are living with Jeff Jarrett. And Dixie (Carter) is –

Bubba: Hold on. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. First of all, her and Kurt are divorced. But, you’re talking about Jeff Jarrett as in the wrestler, as in part owner?

James: Yes. And Dixie is upset, man.

Bubba: You mean Dixie Carter? First of all, I don’t necessarily believe that. I would probably have to heart from Kurt, Karen, or Dixie herself if Dixie’s in the mix. Secondly, Dixie is the president and almost-all owner of TNA Wrestling. Sir, do you work close to the situation?

James: I work on the lot for TNA. I don’t want to say much more – anything more than that.

Bubba: First of all, sir, I don’t know this to be true.

James: Oh, it’s true.

Bubba: Secondly, how in the hell can Kurt work with Jeff Jarrett if that’s indeed the truth?

James: I don’t know how much longer Jeff Jarrett is going to be with TNA. Dixie is upset. She’s talking about buying him out or maybe firing him.

Bubba: Wow. Is this a thing that has just been recent or has it been long going? How can I verify this, sir?

James: Now I can’t say that this was happening when she was with Kurt or that this led to the divorce or anything. This is something I just personally found out about. As much as the back-story of how long it’s been going on, I don’t know. It’s been going on for a little while – it’s my understanding. But, I do know that she is living with Jeff Jarrett.

Bubba: And the kids?

James: And the kids, absolutely. That gives you something to think about with Karen Angle.


  • WrestleZone.com has audio of the above conversation, which you can listen to HERE.