AAA Star Alex Koslov Blogs On TNA, ROH, & Mexico

Here’s the blog:

Monday, July 27, 2009 
When I was in CMLL I was brainwashed to think Triple A is a disaster and a horrible company to work for. And everybody thought that. Guys that had fall-outs with Triple A and came to CMLL probably spread sour stories about how bad Triple A was. I don’t know how Triple A was before, but having worked for Triple A for about a year now, I want to say it’s NOT like they said it was. Triple A is a group of guys traveling around Mexico, under the direction of people who are open-minded, that have a desire to improve and evolve. They are business-oriented.  I didn’t feel like that in CMLL. I feel that Triple A is a lot more organized than CMLL. Alot of guys in CMLL walk around the locker room with the kind of attitude thinking they’re the best wrestlers in Mexico. And they do have great wrestlers and I respect them all but Triple A has got alot of talent as well, and alot more names than in CMLL. Names that can carry the company towards their goal of expansion, and internationalization. I am happy here, working guys like Zorro, like Mesias, Marco Corleone, Kenzo Suzuki, X-pac, Dr. Wagner, Rocky Romero, Jack Evans, Teddy Hart, La Parka, Electro Shock, Nicho, and names go on.
  I’m not bored here, my mind is stimulated. I recently turned rudo, turning on my former partner Rocky Romero. It’s an interesting story we’re doing. This is good experience for me. So I’m having fun with the program. Triple A is coming out with an animated movie. Triple A is coming out with a Triple A wrestling videogame for X-box. So I am happy to be part of a company that is trying to expand their fanbase. I hope it keeps going this way. The first very important problem that we’re dealing with is- we don’t have total control over our cameras and editing of the final product, the way it comes out on tv. We have cameramen that are not so much working directly with Triple A but rather cameramen from the tv network who are not educated enough about what shots are best to shoot in wrestling. So imagine 2 great wrestlers have a great match, tell a great story, but the match gets chopped up in the oddest of moments and televised all cut up, incorrectly. So the story in the match doesn’t hit the fan like it’s supposed to. I think once we are able to get control over our cameramen and editing of the final product, we are gonna be able to make a stronger connection with a fan, which in turn will give us more fans. But we’re working on it as best we could. We are aware of the problem and I know one day Triple A will be able to achive that. We got the interesting stories with intersting personalities so we just need to be able to relay it to people watching at home, the way it’s intended to be relayed.
    As for me, I am lucky to be surrounded by people that I can observe and learn from, in order to achieve even more sucess!
     For the people asking me about what happened in TNA, It’s real simple. Thanks to the help of Bill Behrens, I came down and did a few tv shows wrestling Curry Man, Kaz, and Bucanero and the World X Cup ppv. I had a lot of fun when I was out there. They put me in great matches and gave me an opportunity to do my thing. And at the end of that I talked to Jeff Jarret briefly and basically he told me something along the lines of that I did great, and he’s very interested in me but wouldn’t want to, out of respect to Paco Alonso, hire me and take me away from CMLL because TNA was/is working on a relationship with CMLL. So that was that. I am happy for Sarah Stock, a good friend of mine, who was able to work out a deal with TNA where she can continue to be in Mexico while working in TNA. I hope it works out for her! She deserves it.
     As for ROH, I had a blast as well. Got to work Bryan Danielson in a pretty entertaining match I think, and Roderick Strong, also a really fun match. My schedule is kinda heavy out here but if there is a chance to come down sometimes do a few shows, I would do it.
     I started selling little pink ushankas for girls. And that will be available on my site that is still under construction



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