Sheik Bashir, Cornette, ISPW, WSU, WXW, APW, IWC Etc.

Power Trip Wrestling Summer Tour Week TWO: Wed 5th August, Isle of Sheppey, Kent! ALSO – A big announcement from PTW….


After the amazing events of last week on the first show of the PTW Summer Tour 2009 – ‘Unbreakable’, they’re asking the same question that many have asked before in regards to Power Trip Wrestling….


Just HOW will they top that?!


Well, we’ll top that by telling you about this week’s show, AND with a big announcement at the end of this press release….so sit down comfortably. Last week saw PTW at it’s loudest, including the craziest main event in PTW history (and that’s quite a statement!), as Mr Portugal & Donny Bull defeated Dan Edge & Tommy Stevens. Moments that will probably never be forgotten by those in attendance on the night, included…


* ‘The Donny Bull Dance Off’, in the middle of the match!

* PTW Promoter Petey Staniforth being invited into the ring to dance, and very badly!

* ‘100 Percent’ Dan Edge being forced to take what could only be described as a Super-Duper-Uber-Wedgie, from Donny Bull!!


And of course…the shocking end of the match, where Petey lost his temper and actually raised his hand to the ‘First Lady of PTW’, Chrissie…..and got knocked out cold by his self confessed best friend, Dan Edge, and then splashed by the biggest man in UK Wrestling; Donny Bull!


How can we top this action? We can tell you that despite nearly a week in bed, what he considered "a ruined birthday", angry over his now former best friend Dan Edge, and despite the apparent loss of his sanity once and for all; our PTW boss Petey Staniforth will be in the building. We are somewhat worried for Petey’s state of mind right now, as when asked for any kind of comment; all he would speak about was the brand new Luton Town FC home and away kits for the new season about to start, and how good they’ll look on him. He also, in a quote we simply don’t understand and assume somebody out there might, said that we were to say "Cabbie, I love you man"; or we’d get hit by his Clipboard.


As for the rest of us? Well, we’re PTW, the company that simply will not lay down. We’re PTW, the loveable underdogs of British Wrestling. And we’re PTW, the promotion the competition doesn’t want you to see…because you’ll soon realise just how boring they are, once you’ve seen us! And so, we’re back for Week Two of the Summer Tour, on Wednesday 5th August, on the Isle of Sheppey….and here’s what we have for you.




Power Trip Wrestling present ‘Unbreakable’ – The Summer Tour 2009!




Isle of Sheppey Holiday Village,

Warden Bay Road
Isle of Sheppey,
ME12 4LX.




Wednesday 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th August 2009!




8pm Start!




* PTW World Champion G ‘The Lap Dancing Superstar’ (with his manager, PTW Promoter Petey Staniforth), defends the title against Irish Whip Wrestling’s international superstar Conor Hurley!


* Jimmy Havoc & Bill Duffy  vs  Chris Brooks & Dragonian!


* ‘100 Percent’ Dan Edge  vs  Tommy Stevens w/Petey Staniforth!


* Women’s Match : ‘The Jackal’ Izumi Clarke  vs  Tiffany Wantsmore!


* PTW British Champion Sean Midnight (with daughter of World of Sport Legend Alan Kilby, Tracey Kilby, in his corner), defends the title against the evil & mysterious Jack Joker!


* Jakob The Butcher  vs  Harry Pocalypse!





Mr Portugal, Del Rico, The Lillypad Mafia…..the card, of course, is subject to change.



PTW’S BIG ANNOUNCEMENT : Power Trip Wrestling and UK Wrestling Experience announce working relationship!


In what could be described as a meeting of the South and North in the United Kingdom, Bedfordshire based Power Trip Wrestling (PTW) and Yorkshire based UK Wrestling Experience (UKW), have announced an on-going working relationship between the two companies.

PTW Promoter Petey Staniforth, and UKW Promoter Jonathon Sedgwick have long been friends, and have worked together in the past; and so this was a natural progression for the pair. PTW’s Petey Staniforth was available for quote when we contacted him, and said "There is the potential for PTW and UKW talent to work on each other’s shows, and for joint PTW/UKW shows as well; and this is something we look forward to potentially happening. I feel more people in this business should make the effort to get along, and work together; and this is something PTW are proud to be associated with".


Power Trip Wrestling have been featured on Sky Digital twice in the last year, despite no direct affiliation with any channel, have their own free to watch online show on, and have worked with such celebrities as BBC EastEnders actor Jay Borthwick, sports and celebrity psychic Dean ‘Midas’ Maynard.


UK Wrestling Experience are a new promotion to the North of England, but it is fair to say that they are quickly on the rise and making a big name for themselves as a company, with regular events.


Where does the situation go from here? We suggest you watch this space!



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