TNA Ownership Timeline, With Comments By Former Employee

November 2005: After growing frustrated with the Carter family and visiting WWE offices one month prior in October, Panda Energy relinquishes Jerry Jarrett of his TNA duties as Jeff Jarrett buys his father out of his controlling interest of the company.

Here’s how it “went down”: Jerry had been put in the same position that Dixie and the situation has put Jeff in now. He was the Carter’s (Bob included) first target. He was just more intimidating to them and the relationship than Jeff was then.

Jerry was being paid $2500 a week to step down and stay away. Well to you and me, this would be just fine! But, this kind of money to Jerry wasn’t worth more than his pride. I don’t think that Jeff actually went against Jerry here.

But, Jerry perceived it that way as he figured that Jeff should walk out and stick with him considering all that had transpired up to this point. Most people would’ve felt their own son got them into this mess and he should keep that united front right?

In Jeff’s defense, he had $1 million of his own money into this and Jill was fighting for her life, literally! His world was a mess as well and I’m sure, if both of them were in better emotional conditions at the time, they may have stepped back, licked their wounds, and waited for these idiots to faulter and then come back in with their 28% interest and with someone else.
Jeff gets $i million per annum no matter what happens! This would’ve been typical Jarrett fashion because Jerry is smart enough to know this.

So is Jeff. I think Jeff was thinking he was “biding his time” hanging in there and it certainly appeared to Jerry that his son turned on him. Mostly because Jeff had made statements that had gotten back to Jerry in regard to Jerry’s age and his business sense slipping.

I don’t think Jeff meant it like it sounded. I think the both had the same “grand plan” but, it got personal between father and son. They are both extremely prideful and stubborn!

Now, I know these items because I have served as a “confidant” for both over the years. Jeff and I had talked and joked about my working with TNA (for that matter Jerry and I had too). There was something about the scenario I didn’t trust. I just knew in that quiet, sub concious, place in my soul that I would not be able to “spread my wings” as it would be perceived as intimidating rather than for the good of the company.

I was also working on a very smart and lucrative venture with Jerry where my talents would be better suited and it was a deal I had brought to the table.

I had been talking to both men at the time and deep in the bowels of my brain, where the “child like” hope that refuses to die dwells, I thought I could get these two back together. Number one because it would have been the right hing to do (and I was the only one conversing with both at the time) and number two because it would’ve been good for everyone involved on a business level as well.

Jerry Jarrett was approached by someone from an Eastern Block country with more money than the Carters! These folks offered him more than he would have made for 3 years from his TNA severance/salary to get that meeting directly with Vince Mcmahon.

However, this was NOT his sole motivation for going to Connecticut. He knew that if he did this, it would permanently “null and void” any future dealings with the Carters, Panda Energy, and TNA! Jerry has a heart condition now. He has had some specialized stress tests that show that his “ticker” does not respond well to that situation.

He and jeff were not talking at the time so Jeff (who again has the same pride his father has and is just as much a hard head) took that as PERSONAL!

Both men saw both situations the way they wanted to. There was NO ONE that could’ve made either see it differently!

Jerry finally decided that you’re either with Jeff or you were with Jerry. There was NO in between! Being that I was the only one “in between” and I wouldn’t “renounce” Jeff nor give up on doing business together, Jerry screwed up a lot of hard work and what could’ve been a 3rd “largest wrestling company”.

He cut me out of the new venture. But, when he did, he cut off his nose to spite his face. I don’t “fancy” myself half as smart as Jerry. But I posess a very keen street smart and I have learned that “knowledge is power”. I have also learned how certain knowledge is gathered and a guys like Jerry and Jeff for that matter, have never looked under those kind of rocks nor know where to find them!

After that blew up, I was pissed at Jerry as well now! I found some new partners and investors and tried to put the deal back together. I was still speaking to Jeff weekly and he had talked me into at least going to Nashville to interview.

I did not want to go to work for TNA! My wife begged me to. Thats a whole other story!

November 7, 2006: Panda Energy International merges its Ethanola Branch with Cirracor, Inc. The resultant company is known as Panda Ethanol, Inc. Panda Energy International remains Panda Ethanol’s largest share holder.

Like I’ve written, Dixie and Andy tried to make their first move on Jeff the same day Jill Jarrett passed away! Dixie was setting out cold cuts and cookies at Jeff’s house the afternoon of the day of Jill’s death and there were a few of us that already knew what she was up to! (remember the knowledge is power and my knack for looking under the right rocks) Part of me/us didn’t want to believe such a thing and we felt this has to be overlooked because our main purpose at the time was to try and be there for Jeff.

Ok, while CFO Dean Broadhead was at the bargaining table with Spike on the re-negotiating of the TNA contract and the “parlay” for the second hour, Jeff was still taking time for his children. Nobody asked me to be anything in the scenario but, I “saw the writing on the wall” and decided myself that I would hear and see what I could. I was concerned for myself, Jeff, and others futures.

Shortly after Jill had passed, I took a shot! I said to Dean, “why are you so stressed out? The company is for sale again eh?” (my area was right outside of Deans. I couldn’t hear anything but, I was close enough to his door that I just may have been able to.)

I also knew that Dean (who is a sharp guy) had his guard down due to personal issues that he had brought on himself.

Somewhat defensively, Dean shot back with “Boy news travels fast”. He then said “yeah, an investor wants out now and they want the 10mil that is owed to them as well. I need to go to Dallas and pull off a miracle”.

Because of this timeline I finally see that the said investor was the Panda Energy Ethanol branch. This was formerly the Panda Energy “Methanol” branch as they were one of the first to turn “cow shit” into energy (I had read about it in Business 2.0 magazine prior to working for TNA). And, like it says in the timeline, this branch is headed by Bob Carters son and Dixies brother.

Can you imagine how the wrestling climate, as a whole, would’ve changed if Spike TV would’ve had this information at the time? Or Panda Ethanol knew that TNA hadn’t paid the brunt of their bills for almost and entire quater? WOW!!!

July 19, 2009: TNA President Dixie Carter sends TNA Vice President Jeff Jarrett home on an indefinite leave of absence following backstage turmoil with current TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle.

This is not just Jeff’s fault. It’s Karen, Kurt, and Dixie’s as well!

July 31, 2009: TNA creative writers Dutch Mantel and Savio Vega, who were considered “Jarrett allies,” are released by Dixie Carter. Mantel had served a major part of the creative team since 2003.

I’ll say it again, extremely stupid moves. I just heard a comment today from a “key” part of the TNA Knockouts division that this person believes ” they just killed off the concept”! And all the girls are concerned.

August 2009: Turmoil continues to brew backstage as “Jarrett’s allies” play the waiting game as to if they will be released next or not. The general feeling is one of a “wait and see” when it comes to the possibility of Jeff Jarrett returning to the company he co-founded, or if Dixie Carter will force him to sell his remaining interests to Panda Energy. This would make the Carter family sole owners of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling.

Look, other than some of the talent roster (which they don’t know how to use obviously) the number one thing TNA has going is the quality of the production of IMPACT.

I’m not saying the quality is good! The production sucks! What I am saying is, David Sahadi, Keith Mitchell, Kevin Sullivan, Gregg Horne have all learned to “polish a turd!!!!”. They do not have the resources they need but, are still able to put together a program that warrants what TNA gets paid from Spike!

These guys are GENIUS in every sense of the word! Yes they are human and therfore flawed but, they have all ONLY been on board and put up with all this shit because of Jeff Jarrett! He has been the one to convince them to stick it out thru all of this shit that TNA has served up to them! And their crews are only there because they have convinced them to stay the way Jeff has with them.

So, not only does TNA not have qualified creative, enough talent agents, the production people are/were what TNA would consider Jeff’s ALLIES may just leave on their own if they aren’t fired. This is going to get interesting!


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