They were such a good crowd in fact that right after I announced that Hydra had won the Impromptu Three Way match by forcing Jolly Roger to tap to the Hydralock (while Turtle was caught helplessly on his back, unable to stand or roll over because of his shell) I fired myself as ring announcer in favour of local announcer Steve Maestro so that I could sit with the crowd, do drive-by heckles on commentary and eat sweet, sweet corn from the barn’s bbq counter.
The team of GinGerard gave the Badd Boys one of the stiffest challenges that the Badd Boys have ever faced… on the mike. But once the talking was over, well you know how it is, talk like the best, die like the rest. Shayne Hawke ate the pin after Vin Gerard saw which way the wind was blowing and jumped ship. After the match, Vin grabbed the mike and to quote ISW fan Nut Bunnies, "Vin was priceless, first as a pussy from Julliard, and then trying to say he’s always… VIN BAD… and then is immediately turned on for being a faggot." After Vin got thrown to the outside Shayne ran back out and kissed Vin hard on the lips, causing Vin to stagger into the crowd to kiss the first girl that he saw to get the taste of Hawke out of his mouth.
I am very upset about the result of the match between Moohammad and Stinky. Once again, Stinky was in control only to be attacked by his former best friend and tag team partner Flip, who filled Stinky’s hat with Lego and then gave him a sick block-assisted pile-driver to give Moohammad the win and successful title defence. I recognize that Flip was brainwashed by Moohammad into being his human pet, but I firmly believe that the only way that Flip has any hope of getting better is if we hold him responsible for his actions. I have made a proposal to the rest of the ISW management team how this could be done during the ISW Fourth Anniversary 4 Years of This?! on August 23rd at Foufounes Electriques in
Twiggy wore cowboy boots for his Bunkhouse Brawl. Beef did not. The wrestling gods took notice and favoured Twiggy. Every time that Beef tried to use underhanded tactics to get an advantage it turned against him, whether it was getting potatoed with a running shot from Twiggy’s cowboy boot (that Beef pulled off Twiggy’s foot in the first place) or bringing a cow-bell to the ring to clobber Twiggy with and eating it for the pin instead. (I was the third guy on commentary to say that Twiggy had been Saved by the
After our intermission, Addy Starr fought a spirited battle against a roaring drunk Sexxxy Eddy who was less interested in winning the match than he was in being a grappling sexual octopus. This lackadaisacal attitude ended up costing Eddy the match, but the real (hidden) star of this match was Steve the Turtle Weiner whose did a run-in on commentary that will be worth the price of the DVD by itself.
One of the best parts of the show for me was hearing Izzy Deadyet announced from the Dark Woods and then having him emerge from the Dark Woods that surrounded the pavillion barn. This seriously freaked Pinky out and he was in full flight for most of the early part of the match. Once Izzy caught Pinky, he dragged Pinky to the back to eat him… at which point the music for Michael Jackson’s Thriller started and Pinky started kicking Izzy’s ass with dance-fu. Eventually Izzy decided that it was better to join the choreography than fight it, until Pinky turned his back and Izzy jumped him, forced pills down Pinky’s throat to give him a massive overdose, killed him and ate his brains.
After the match, Pinky did a Zombie Sit-Up, shrieked and ran into the woods.
Highlights of the match can be seen here.
While Zombiefied may be considered the more heroic of ISW’s two zombies, he is still a monster. Fortunately for Jigsaw and El Generico, traditional Lucha Libre training includes extensive instruction on fighting the undead thanks to the influence of El Santo. Despite Zombiefied’s strength and speed, the two luchadores were able to overcome him. Jigsaw and El Generico’s mutual hatred of the undead conflicted with their rivalry and lead to a bit of a confusing finish. After El Generico hit his Brainbuster, it appeared that Jigsaw was rushing to save Zombiefied, but in fact he was rushing to help El Generico pin him. After the show, Jigsaw explained to me backstage, "When the undead lose, everyone wins."
The main event was a fitting end to the evening. Knowing that he would be facing one of the toughest opponents of his career, Player Uno started a massive training program right after our Vans Warped show. As a result, Hallowicked faced a Player Uno in perhaps the best shape of his life. And while the terror luchadore had his moments in the match, Uno survived his attack and responded furiously in kind, finishing Hallowicked for good with the Mega Buster.
Inter Species Wrestling’s first visit to the
Inter Species Wrestling returns with 4 Years of This?! on Sunday, August 23rd, at the Foufounes Electriques, 87 Ste-Catherine East,
International Wrestling Syndicate presents Hardcore Heat on Saturday, August 29th, at the Just For
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