(Spoilers) TNA iMPACT! Results For This Thursday

TNA iMPACT! SpoilersiMPACT!, Airing Thursday (continued…)

* Sarita w/Taylor Wilde vs. Traci Brooks w/Sharmell vs. Awesome Kong w/Raisha Saeed vs. Christy Hemme w/Tara is up next. Traci pinned Sarita to win the match after Kong gave Sarita a butterfly facebuster. Kong went to the top for more offense when Traci stole the win.

* The Pope D’Angelo Dinero b. Consequences Creed w/Jay Lethal after hitting double running knees to the corner. After the match Suicide came out and went after Pope. Pope bailed before Suicide could get to him.

* AJ Styles comes out to make a major announcement. Styles, who chokes up through the segment, says it’s time to say goodbye to professional wrestling. Sting comes out without his makeup to try and change his mind. He tells AJ only losers quit and he’d be letting him down. Sting says he wanted to pass the torch to AJ, he says he was the chosen one. AJ hugged Sting and they both left to end the segment.

* Bobby Lashley comes out and joins Mike Tenay and Taz on commentary. Team 3D vs. Kurt Angle & Matt Morgan in a Tables Match is up next. Prior to the match, Angle gets into with Lashley and ends up punching him. Security comes out and Lashley leaves ringside. The match starts.

* Team 3D b. Kurt Angle & Matt Morgan in a Tables Match. Morgan was nearly suplexed through a table but Angle moved it enough where only one of the table legs broke. I’m told Morgan landed funny and might be hurt. They bought time to get another table. Team 3D slammed Morgan off the top rope through a table to win the match.

Xplosion/Dark Match:

* ODB b. Alissa Flash with a running slam. After the match fans can get in the ring and get their photo taken with The Beautiful People for $20.


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