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8-16-09 Chikara Results:  The big day is here, readers of CHIKARA Fans – the final day of Young Lions Cup VII! In just a few short hours, a new king of the singles’ land will be named, and it’ll either be The UnStable’s Colin Delaney, or one of this year’s biggest surprise singles competitors, Super Smash Brother Player Dos. That’s not all that’s set for today, though, as we’ll also see the continuation of the traditional Golden Dream match as three trios of former YLC holders will do battle. Add into the mix a four-corner elimination tag match that could see a team gain three points in a matter of one match, a rematch from last night’s showdown between Mascarita Dorada and Pierrothito, the latest battle in the ongoing feud between Claudio Castagnoli and Eddie Kingston…and we’re in for one heck of an afternoon in Philadelphia! Thanks – and more importantly, a very happy birthday – to Whittle for hooking us up yet again today.

Preshow Notes: Really strong attendance today, the line outside longer than for your average Philly show on a Sunday. Might possibly be related to the rave reviews of the CHIKARA product at the Dragon Gate USA show last month. Estimated number is 350-375, not bad at all.

1. Dasher Hatfield, Player Uno & Yellow Dog vs. Tim Donst & Hydra [Sea Donsters] & K.C. “Cloudy” Day: How far Create-a-Wrestler has come in one weekend; the guy’s leading off his own trio now as the unofficial captain as his squad enters to the ring to the sounds of “Tessie”. The old timey king of swing backs up that nickname with pure strength, lifting the man-monster Hydra up and swinging him like a Louisville Slugger at Donst and Cloudy! Dasher maintains dominance by pinning Hydra following his patented Grand Slam. However all doesn’t stay happy for long as after the match, Tim Donst takes out his mounting frustrations by throwing Hydra with a German suplex, then hitting Cloudy with a belly-to-belly and heelin’ it up all over the place.

2. Grizzly Redwood & Brodie Lee [The Roughnecks] vs. Darin Corbin & Ryan Cruz [North Star Express: Another really fun match, though nothing too outstanding. However, the Roughnecks gain their third point and their own title shot as Grizzly comes off the top with the Axehandle Doomsday Device on Cruz to get them the win.

3. 4-Corners Elimination Tag Team Match: UltraMantis Black & Delirious [The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple] vs. Gran Akuma & Icarus [F.I.S.T.] vs. Soldier Ant & Green Ant [The Colony] vs. Halcon Guerrero & Chiva VI: Before we even had time to figure out if this was actually the sixth Chiva, Mantis put the goat away with a Cosmic Disaster to eliminate the random Mexican team. Not too long after, Delirious puts down Green Ant with the Praying Mantis Bomb. This now moves Mantis and Delirious up to two points, meaning that the winner of the fall between the Neo-Solar Temple and Team F.I.S.T. will also gain their third point. Icarus rolled up Ultramantis Black to get the win and F.I.S.T.’s third point as Mantis was distracted by a man in all white. This man delivered a mysterious white box with a note in it; Mantis threw the box into the crowd after the match.

4. Mascarita Dorada vs. Pierrothito: In a very similar match to the one in Easton the night before, Mascarita Dorada regained the honor of his mother by putting away Pierrothito with a wacky lucha pin.


5. Mike Quackenbush & Jorge “Skayde” Rivera vs. Frightmare & Turbo: Turbo fought down the dastardly border guards with the help of his friend in small stature Frightmare, and now they take on the biggest challenge yet – two thirds of the Masters of 1000 Holds! In a complete lucha clinic that saw all four guys push themselves to their limits, Quackenbush pinned Turbo with the Quackendriver. Best match so far tonight!

6. Eddie Kingston vs. Claudio Castagnoli: One heck of a match here, tons of drama like you’d only expect these two to bring in the CHIKARA rings. Kingston hits a Backfist to the Future and a Saito Suplex, Claudio rolls out of the ring to recover. In a move of desperation, Kingston attempts a tope but misses. Claudio rolls back into the ring at the count of nineteen to win via countout.

7. Golden Dream Triple Threat Trios Match: Vin Gerard, STIGMA & Chuck Taylor vs. Jimmy “Equinox” Olsen, Helios & Jigsaw vs. Fire Ant, Hallowicked & Arik Cannon: Remember that hair tonic that Chuck Taylor got from the Big Japan young boy in exchange for the Green Ant costume? Well, it has turned his entire head green, much to the comedic delight of the tecnicos. Reportedly one of the best CHIKARA matches of the year! Fire Ant was launched to the outside by his teammates Wicked and Cannon, shooting him into the barricades so hard that they were bent to a ridiculous degree. Wicked pinned STIGMA with a top rope fisherman’s buster for the win. “This was awesome!”

…Intermission #2?! The Curse of the Golden Dream continues, as the ring was broken for the second time in a row in Golden Dream matches, the last one being when Max Boyer’s face broke the ring back in 2005. To make time for the ring crew, Bryce and Louden did a quick song and dance number.

8. Young Lions Cup ~ Final: Colin Delaney vs. Player Dos: We’ll be sure to get more details when our fans on the board head home, but Player Dos is your new Young Lions Cup champion, defeating Colin Delaney with a very bizarre move off the top rope. “Strangely anticlimactic” finish, though it seems that the Cup didn’t come without a price as Dos may have hurt his left shoulder in the process.




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