CHIKARA “Young Lions Cup VII ~ Night 1″
August 14, 2009 ~
1. Young Lions Cup ~ Opening Round: Brendan Michael Thomas vs. Frightmare: The first upset of the weekend comes in the very first match, as Frightmare is defeated by BMT in about eight minutes! Frightmare missed his patented double knee moonsault from the top rope, then BMT took advantage and hit a cross body from the same corner to make his name in CHIKARA with a huge win over one of the top names in the tournament.
2. Young Lions Cup ~ Opening Round: Hydra vs. Tim Donst: In about nine minutes, the Sea Monster Hydra fools Tim Donst into a loss. Lots of comedy all around, including Bryce being thrown into a headlock. Finish saw Donst apply the Hydralock on Donst, but Hydra backed him into the corner and dazed Donst long enough to roll him up for the win.
3. Young Lions Cup ~ Opening Round: Dasher Hatfield vs. Jason Hades: Dasher Hatfield is this year’s Create-a-Wrestler winning gimmick, submitted by…myself and George! Image of the Old Timey King of Swing on the boards! Dasher Hatfield comes out on top after kicking out of Jason Hades’ Killswitch maneuver, then hitting the reversal that he hit back at Aniversario weekend on Mantis to get the win!
4. Young Lions Cup ~ Opening Round: K.C. “Cloudy” Day vs. Chimaera: Cloudy comes down to the ring with the theme from the television show “Baywatch” playing over the PA, performing a quite fitting slo-mo run. Cloudy beats Chimaera in what was arguably the best match of the night so far, clocking in at about 11 minutes. Cloudy went for a headscissor, Chimaera reverse into a tombstone, but Cloudy reversed said reversal into a spike ‘rana for the win.
5. Young Lions Cup ~ Opening Round: Stinky the Homeless Guy vs. Colin Delaney: An awesome match that showcased Stinky’s skills as a big man against Colin’s wacky bumping. Stinky goes for a top rope shoulderblock, but Colin grabs him in mid-air with an RKO for the win in under eight minutes.
6. Young Lions Cup ~ Opening Round: Lince Dorado vs. Prince Mustafa Ali: These two went all out, including a spot where Lince headscissored Ali off the apron and to the floor. Lince having more issues jumping outwards, but at least he has the height on his jump to avoid being the next Marek Brave. Lince over Ali in what is EASILY the best match of the night so far, Ali is so awesome. Lince missed the SSP, Ali missed his WMD…Ali goes to the top again, Lince leaped up to the top and hit him with a Spanish Fly for the pin.
7. Brodie Lee vs. Cheech: A close match with Cheech nearly getting the win with an armbar, only for Brodie to counter that to a Michinoku Driver II. Brodie continued with his winning ways from the last
8. Fire Ant & Soldier Ant [The Colony] vs. Jagged & Shane Matthews [2.0]: With points in play, Fire and Soldier emerged as the winners after using the Ants Go Marching neckbreaker/powerbomb combo on Jagged in around 13 minutes. That’s their third point if you consider the Japanese shows!
9. Young Lions Cup ~ Semi-Final ~ 6-Way Elimination Match: Brendan Michael Thomas vs. Hydra vs. Dasher Hatfield vs. K.C. “Cloudy” Day vs. Colin Delaney vs. Lince Dorado Lince stuck to the sidelines in the early going, playing it safe and spending limited time in the ring. That worked for a while, as Lince eliminated Hydra with the Lynxsault, only for Colin to sneak up behind him and immediately force him to tape out to the STF. Dasher then upped his chances considerably, wiping out Cloudy and eliminating him from the match with a top rope powerslam. Not only that, but he reduced the field to him and Colin, using the CHIKARA Special and forcing BMT to give up! Colin countered the sheer-drop Beach Break and used numerous finishers on Dasher – the temple punt, the Twist of Fate and the Swanton Bomb – but Dasher kicked out of the lot. He also countered a tornado DDT, an FU and a Dreamer DDT, but Colin reversed the top rope powerslam into an avalanche-style Canadian Destroyer for the win. Colin Delaney will be going to the finals of the Young Lions Cup but Dasher Hatfield, the rebranded Create-A-Wrestler, arguably put in the best performance of his career.
Young Lions Cup VII: Night Two” ~ Live ResultsAugust 15th, 2009
The big Young Lions Cup weekend rolls on tonight with the second night of tournament action in
Preshow Notes: Show’s starting a bit late than usual. Lince Dorado is out for his match with Arik Cannon after last night’s knee injury suffered in his match with Prince Mustafa Ali. Also, Turbo is out after some issues traveling into the country. Replacements will be made for both matches. All 12 of tonight’s competitors are brought out; Bret Race mysteriously didn’t come out when his name was announced.
1. Young Lions Cup ~ Opening Round: Bret Race vs. Yellow Dog: Bret Race is, in fact, Lester Crabtree trying to sneak his way into the YLC. He came out to “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” and proclaimed himself to be young and cool. He was disqualified, and his replacement was pulled out of a hat – Vocatur, the secret agent detective that’s been at recent CHIKARA shows, working a very heelish manner. Photo available at this link! Vocatur gets the win over Yellow Dog in quick fashion, around three and a half minutes with a move that was “set up like a DDT, but he fell forward”.
2. Young Lions Cup ~ Opening Round: Soldier Ant vs. Carpenter Ant: A very competitive match between the two members of the Colony. Soldier Ant hit a top rope belly to belly suplex, while Carpenter Ant matched him with a ton of neat and wacky submissions. However, it was Soldier Ant that came out on top, tapping out Carpenter with the CHIKARA Special. Fun match!
3. Young Lions Cup ~ Opening Round: Darin Corbin vs. Ryan Cruz: Match kicks into gear with a tribute to Young Lions Cup as Corbin and Cruz hit slo-mo against one another, complete with slo-mo “this is awesome” chant. Surely done just to get under the skin of Les Thatcher yet again. In a bit of an upset, Ryan Cruz puts down Corbin in 12 minutes. The less successful member of NSE in singles action reigns supreme tonight!
4. Young Lions Cup ~ Opening Round: Shane Hollister vs. Trik Davis: Fun match with both guys busting out their usual stuff. Exactly what you’d expect, except for a finish that is guaranteeing that Trik never works in this town again. Trik Davis gets the win over Shane Hollister with a QD3.
5. Young Lions Cup ~ Opening Round: Grizzly Redwood vs. El Leonino: Very much your standard fare match, nothing spectacular. The Grizz advances to the six-way semis with a Fisherman’s DDT.
6. Young Lions Cup ~ Opening Round: Player Uno vs. Player Dos: Uno looking great, quite clearly training for this Super Smash square-off as he’s lost quite a bit of weight heading into this. Looks like a new man! The two of them packed a whole lot into their eight minute match that “felt like it went twenty”, when Dos put down Uno with a frog splash.
Intermission. Skayde is feeling under the weather, but it wasn’t clarified if the match was scrapped or what’s up.
7. Arik Cannon vs. Jigsaw: Tag World ‘06 collision between two former Young Lions Cup holders here in this surprise singles matchup! Jigsaw gets the victory in ~10 minutes via superkick, very good match that may be the best of the night so far!
8. Mascarita Dorada vs. Pierrothito: Due to the unfortunate circumstances around Skayde and Turbo, Easton gets the benefit in the end and gets Philly’s big mini singles showdown that was set for tomorrow. An awesome match, Pierrothito wins in 11 minutes, tapping out Dorada with a cobra stretch.
9. Young Lions Cup ~ Semi-Final ~ 6-Way Elimination Match: Vocatur vs. Soldier Ant vs. Ryan Cruz vs. Trik Davis vs. Grizzly Redwood vs. Player Dos: The winner of this match goes on to face Colin Delaney tomorrow in the finals of the tournament. Vocatur wastes no time, eliminating Ryan Cruz with the move he beat Yellow Dog with in four minutes. Soon after, Grizzly Redwood goes for a suplex on Soldier Ant, but Soldier rolls through to get the pin to eliminate the Grizz. Vocatur is “gaining robotic powers” as the match goes on. Vocatur pins Trik with the DDT-ish move, but then Player Dos takes him out with the Final Smash. Soldier Ant and Player Dos are the final two left…and Dos pins Soldier Ant with the Frog Splash to advance to the finals! Player Dos vs. Colin Delaney is your big main event for tomorrow’s third night of Young Lions Cup!