WWE SummerSlam Results – August 23, 2009

WWE SummerSlam results from August 23, 2009!

WWE SummerSlam Results - August 23, 2009WWE SummerSlam Results — PAGE ONE

Los Angeles, California

August 23, 2009

Report By: Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com

WWE SummerSlam 2009:

-They are having a 15-Diva battle royal right now in the ring. Apparently this match is being filmed for an exclusive DVD bonus match.

DX Invades SummerSlam Intro:

A usual PPV video package opener begins for SummerSlam, when out of nowhere some hand puppet shadows start showing up. We hear HHH and HBK’s voice saying stuff like "it’s the PPV intro you can’t do that" and they continue to make hand puppets. The video finally freezes, peals, and Triple H and Shawn Michaels walk in front of the camera with a blank white screen behind them. HBK tells HHH he used to be a TV repair man, and tells him he can fix the PPV. They walk towards the camera and a DX hype-video plays. It cuts out again and HBK and HHH are in front of the camera again. HHH asks HBK why he couldn’t fix it. He says he forgot. HHH says the important thing is we got the message. HBK asks what the message is. HHH says you know, the message that "we’re baaaack!" HHH looks into the camera and says start the show. The music and regular SummerSlam video returns and we go live in the arena with pyro. Jim Ross welcomes us to the 22nd SummerSlam extravaganza.

Intercontinental Title:

-Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

The champion is out first. Ziggler follows, as it’s time for our I-C title match. Dolph charges at Mysterio early. Mysterio hits the ropes, charges Ziggler, but Ziggler throws Mysterio over his shoulders. Mysterio lands with both feet on the top rope and hits a moonsault on Ziggler. That was cool. Mysterio knocks Ziggler out of the ring. Mysterio on the apron hits a running hurricanrana onto Ziggler on the floor. Back in the ring, Ziggler is starting to regain control of the action, manhandling the smaller Mysterio. Mysterio making a comeback, tries for a running moonsault off the middle rope but Ziggler meets him in mid-air with a dropkick. Several nearfalls by Ziggler, but Mysterio keeps kicking out at two. Crowd is getting into the match. Mysterio with a drop toe-hold, has Ziggler set up for the 6-1-9. Ziggler slips out to the floor. He catches Mysterio coming back in and sets up his finisher. He pins Mysterio but he kicks out at 2 1/2. Mysterio hits the 6-1-9 on Ziggler. He goes up top but misses on the way down. Ziggler rolls him up quickly for the pin but Mysterio somehow kicks out at two. Crowd is way into this match now, and they should be – it’s a good one. Ziggler has Mysterio across his shoulders on the top rope. Mysterio spins and hits a hurricanrana off the top and rolls Ziggler up for the pinfall. Mysterio gets the three count and retains his Intercontinental championship.

Winner and STILL Intercontinental champion: Rey Mysterio

Josh Matthews Interviews Jack Swagger & MVP

Josh Matthews is backstage with Jack Swagger and MVP for a pre-match interview. Matthews says people are calling their match tonight a culture clash. Swagger tells him to call it like it is. He brags about himself and then calls MVP an ex-con who uses hype and flash to mask his physical shortcomings. He says all MVP amounts to is a stepping-stone for him. MVP says he wishes he had the wonderful life Swagger had growing up. He said he made some bad decisions and he paid for them. MVP says when Swagger won in the NCAA he got a trophy. MVP says when he won in jail he got another day to live. He calls Swagger a spoiled jock. He says tonight Swagger is gonna get taught a lesson by MVP.

Click below for page two of our WWE SummerSlam report.