Jake Roberts Calls Out Gimmick Stealing Indy Wrestler

Deven MichaelsHere’s his website http://www.thesnakemandevenmichaels.com/

Awesome that he not only uses Jake’s gimmick, but also uses the "Michaels" last name, one of the most overused names in Indy wrestling.  Maybe he should add "Stone Cold" somewhere in there.  And yes it appears he does use the DDT too….why wouldn’t he?   He nows joins my list of favorite stolen Indy gimmicks….replacing previous favorite Dave Mysterio.

Here’s how Deven tells the story of his rise as THE SNAKEMAN from his website

(Deven) "met up with Jake the Snake Roberts. Deven met him at an autograph signing in Dubois Pennsylvania. Being the same foreward person that he is today, Deven asked to be trained. Point blank…  there was no beating around the bush. Jake chuckled and thought the kid in front of him was crazy. He realized how crazy the kid was when Deven showed up on his doorstep 2 weeks later suitcases in  hand. After a solid year of training under the demanding legend, the Snakeman emerged out on his own.

2009… almost a decade later, Deven Michaels has matured into the superstar he was meant to be. He was officially passed a torch on  May 10, 2008 by Roberts. The legendary snake stood in a ring in Alliance Ohio and embraced his protege. During Jake’s introduction of Deven, he expressed great pride in Deven. The two wrestled that night. It was an amazing night watching the two snakes wrestle. At the end of the match, Deven lost to his mentor, but could boast about being the first man in history to DDT it’s inventor.

Since then he has been slithering up and down the east coast facing competitors with an intensity that is both electrifying and terrifying.  Crashing heads into the canvas, Deven then allows his counter-part, Jezabel, to strike even more fear into adversaries hearts than what was already there. So, come out and find the Snakeman. I can promise  you he will entertain you… it will be an encounter with a snake you will NEVER forget!!!"

Jake’s comments on "The Snakeman":

"Message from Jake: Aug. 25, 09
They say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Might be true, but there is a line that no one should cross.  Its one thing to imitate, copy, or even mirror image. That’s good. I don’t mind being copied, never have. Always felt like those that do it, need to.

Bottom line is, copy what I did today.  Cause I’m talented enough to think of something new for tomorrow. Case in point: Deven Michaels.  He spent a couple of weeks learning how to lock up and grab a head lock. That is the extent of me training him.  No one has the right to claim to be any part of my family that isn’t.

And Deven’s not. I wish him no ill will and hope that the fans will come to see him and enjoy what he has to offer.  Please, don’t anyone claim to be son, nephew, whatever… because that is cheap and it’s bullshit.

So stop it, Deven.


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