More Detail On TNA’s iMPACT Rating for 8-27-09

Source:  AC Nielsen Media Research

TNA iMPACT on 8-27-09 achieved a 1.13 rating on Spike TV with 1.6 million viewers.

Quarter hour breakdown was:









This week TNA started the show with Sting and AJ arriving (Kip James there too), leading into the show open and right into a match rather than the recent in ring promo open.  Interestingly the show built audience rather than lost audience in the first hour which it had done each time the show opened with an in ring talk segment.    The drop-off in the 1st quarter hour of the second hour was unusual as usually that segment is where TNA gets audience that left in the 1st hour back, but in this case the audience was there for the 1st hour so it appears some folk switch away at the top of the hour to see what else was on but then returned prior to the second quarter hour of the second half, but were gone long enough to drop the rating for that quarter hour.

Odd to see the show drop off in the last half hour but it appears the audience departed during the Dixie Carter & Bobby Lashly interview with Jeremy Borash and never returned for the well promoted Main Event of Sting, Hernandez & AJ Styles vs Steiner, Booker T, & Morgan.   A drop-off should likely have been expected, but honestly if they felt the segment important I’m not sure where else they could have put it, except maybe in the 1st quater hour of the second half as likely the show would have recovered better if it ran earlier.