WZ Top 10 List: Best Female Professional Wrestlers

We’ve now come to my choice as the number one female pro wrestler in the business, but before I reveal who that lady is, I’d like to take a moment to discuss why I left off certain women that others may have included in their list.

1. Kelly Kelly – Ranks number one on my hot list, but in the end is still far from being at the level of many of the talented women on this list.

2. Angelina Love – The Beautiful People in general have always felt to me like good mic workers and very pleasant to look at, but even the best worker of the bunch, Angelina Love, is sloppy and underwhelming in the ring.

3. Candice Michelle – Dangerous to herself and others in the ring, and is one of the few female wrestlers who has actually gotten worse in the ring instead of better as time went on. WWE made the right choice in firing her as she became too much of a liability in the ring.

4. ODB – Again, much like Angelina Love, ODB is a fun character, but she has never wrestled a match that I’ve thought to be anything much better than a comedy bit.

And now, here it is, my choice as the number one female professional wrestler today……