The following is an excerpt from a new Rob Van Dam blog on the WWE Universe website:
The Sell Out Show
Greetings everyone. I hope you are all feeling the best you’ve ever felt in your entire life- today! Is that too much to ask?
What up?
Tune in to RVD RADIO’s BIGGEST SHOW EVER! Wednesday, Oct 7th we will have our first fan appreciation day…or as I call it-"the Sell Out Show”! Go to to RVD RADIO between 6-8pm pst, or call (347)308-8754 to talk or to listen in. If you’ve ever thought of calling in but haven’t had the courage, this is your night. Estimated caller waiting time…3 minutes! Ahem, you know, after you let me monologue at the beginning. Once we start taking calls we will not be telling long stories. We will not be passing 2 hours of air time with long conversations with celebrity friends. We want to hear from you. I’m going to do my best to keep the phone lines clear for you.
The topic…hypothetically… would you rather see RVD go to WWE, or TNA? Feedback I get personally on the street is about 50/50, which I find surprising. Here’s your chance to give me your thoughts. Go to anytime between now and Wednesday night and vote on WWE or TNA in our new free forum. Which brings me to my next topic.
Check out the full blog on the WWE Universe website at this link.