TNA Bound For Glory Results - October 18, 2009

TNA Bound For Glory Results – October 18, 2009

The winner of this match will be added to the Ultimate X match later tonight at the Bound For Glory PPV. Lots of high spots and fast-paced moves. Really good style of match to begin the show and get the crowd hot for the PPV tonight. The crowd is way into this one and despite being in Irvine, this feels like a hot Orlando crowd already. Finish comes on a double team spot from the Motor City Machine Guns, which leads to the pinfall and the victory. With the win, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin are added to the Ultimate X match tonight.

Winners: The Motor City Machine Guns

-More video packages are airing now hyping up tonight’s main bouts for the PPV.

-The pre-show is over and Bound For Glory is now officially underway!

Make sure to click below for page two of our TNA Bound For Glory report …


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