“Hulkamania” Tour Results: Show #3 (11/26): Brisbane

Match 5: Brutus Beefcake and Ken Anderson accompanied by Jimmy Hart def Umaga and Orlando Jordan… Anderson with the promo of kennedy being dead. After Brutus tried to cut Orlandos hair to no avail.
Match 6: 4way tag elimination match featuring Rock of Love, the Black Pearl Count of California and Gangarel, Nasty Boys with Jimmy Hart, Too Cool… Grandmaster Sexay was eliminated first. Nasty Boys were dqed after using a bunch of weapons on Rock of Love who were then counted out. Rikishi was then double teamed and Gangarel was about to use a chair when Grandmaster Sexay came back for the save and allowed for Rikishi to pick up the win. Too Cool do their dance in the ring. They are then intervied backstage where gangarel and the count of california jump them. All the other guys backstage jump in for the save. The two heels cut a promo about seeing them in Sydney.
Main Event: Hogan def Flair accompanied by Lacey… Lacey got involved a lot. Obviously no dq and no count out because a bunch of people came down and got involved. Finish came with a hit from Jimmy Harts megaphone, no legdrop.

Notes: Was a sloppy event. Heaps of botched spots. Hogan vs Flair was very poor. Both bled within minutes. Place was maybe 10-15% sold out. Probably 500-1500 people.