Segment: Verne Troyer, The Miz, & Mark Henry
Verne is sitting on a stool at the top at the top of the entrance way. He says that he enjoyed everyone from the WWE when he visited SummerSlam, except for the Miz. Cue music and the Miz comes out. Miz says he wants to apologize for being inconsiderate and annoying at the SummerSlam. He then makes an Austin Powers/Mini-Miz joke and we move on to Troyer insulting Miz because he hasn’t been in any movies. Miz then says he wouldn’t mind using Troyer as a football and kicking him through the ring posts. Mark Henry comes out to make the save. Miz calls him "Fat Bastard" and says the normal lines from Austin Powers. Miz then says that Mark is boring and has no personality…just like Troyer. Troyer says that later tonight, Miz will face Mark Henry.
We’re back and supposed to have the Kofi Kingston vs Randy Orton match now, but Cody Rhodes comes out from behind during Kingston’s entrance and attacks him. He rams him into the steel steps before referees take him to the back. Kofi does all he can to get up and roll himself into the ring as it looks like he wants to continue the match. DiBiase then comes out from the stands and attacks Kofi as well. Kofi again gets up wanting to continue although his leg has been hurt by the two ambushes. The ref says ok and Orton’s music hits and he quickly comes out to the ring for the match.
Kofi Kingston vs Randy Orton
Randy immediately goes after the injured leg of Kingston. He rolls to the outside and splits Kofi’s leg around the ringpost. He rolls back in and slingshots Kofi’s neck into the bottom rope. Kofi gets to a knee and pushes Orton, but that’s it as Orton kicks him repeatedly in the corner. Randy throws some punches in the corner, but Kingston battles back with some of his own. It doesn’t last long though as Orton hits a kick to the stomach, followed by the RKO. Pin and the three count.
WINNER: Randy Orton
After The Match: Orton grabs Kofi by the head off the ground and plops him up on the top ringpost. He then delivers that evil-looking DDT. Afterward, a loud "Randy sucks" chant breaks out as Orton stares sedistically at Kingston.