Scott Hall Speaks On His TNA Status, TNA vs. WWE, More

Neal Jones sent along the following:

Scott Hall Interview Recap
By: Bob Colling of

Scott Hall was the guest on the February 10th, 2010 edition of In Your Head Online Radio available at hosted by Jack E. Jones, Oneinchbiceps and Barbie Richards.

Scott Hall joins the gang to open the show, so there is no need to wait to hear from the Bad Guy!

Hall bust his ass and made a lot of money, and though he was done until Nash kept on calling him to get to work. Hall remembers saying to old guys that their time was up. He is in the same position but his attitude is for the young guys to prove themselves. Hall is in TNA to “rock it one more time”. Hall wants the young guys to prove themselves as being “good”. He is sick of hearing the young guys moaning about not getting a push.

Hall puts over AJ Styles and Matt Morgan as being great talents. However he believes that there are plenty of guys that aren’t that level. Hall struggled with being able to become a character back in the AWA, in the early days. Hall believes that people need to have a wrestling name and gimmick to become popular in the United States.

Hall says that Vince McMahon didn’t like the Razor Ramon gimmick, but they did it and the gimmick got over. Hall believes charisma is either something you have or you don’t.

When he got back into WCW and went back to using his real name and he felt comfortable as he went their with Kevin Nash. . Hall goes into the story of how he and Kevin Nash went to WCW and how much money they made and how they both were able to arrive in WCW within one week of each other. Hall mentions how WCW didn’t name them for several weeks. They were just called the Outsiders.

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