They went to a pre-tape video and promo about the Carlito-Heath Slater feud. Slater did an awful job in the promo despite what was invariably numerous takes to get it right.
Elsewhere, Matt Striker questioned Miz about whether he let Daniel Bryan down. Miz out himself over when Bryan walked in and said that every partner Miz has had, has been the one to carry the team.
They aired a video piece on Justin Gabriel. They mentioned that his father was a wrestler and that he supposedly trained in several forms of the martial arts. Backstage, Matt Hardy complimented Gabriel on his performance last week. Jericho and Wade Barrett walked in and predicted victory tonight. Good segment.
Heath Slater v. Carlito
Slater suckered in Carlito early and sent him over the top rope. Carlito stopped Slater cold with a big boot back inside. Slater tried for a sunset flip but Carlito blocked it. Carlito then tried for an avalanche in the corner and missed. Slater got a near fall off of a flapjack. Carlito turned it around with a spinebuster. He then went for the apple but Christian took it out of the corner. That distraction allowed for Slater to get a near fall off of a rolling cradle. Carlito tried for a rollup, but Slater rolled through for the “upset” pin. I’m not sure that a win over Carlito mean anything for Slater at this point, particularly when it was played that Carlito lost because he was continually distracted.
Slater d. Carlito
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