*Spoilers* 3 Weeks of FCW Taping Results: New Champions!

Thanks to Rick Ingram for sending in the following results:

FCW TV Taping Results 03/18/2010
FCW Arena – Tampa, FL
Dark Match: Titus O’Neill pinned Cable Jones
Week One (Airdate 03/28/2010)
Match 1: Donny Marlow (with Tamina) pinned Big E. Langston
Match 2: Johnny Curtis pinned Leo Kruger
Match 3: Joe Hennig pinned Derrick Bateman
Match 4: Triple Threat FCW Championship Match: Alex Riley defeated Justin Gabriel & Wade Barrett when he pinned Gabriel to become the new FCW champion. Barrett hit Gabriel with his Fireman’s Carry Slam finisher then pulled a dazed Riley on top of Gabriel for the pin.
More on page 2…

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