*Spoilers* 3 Weeks of FCW Taping Results: New Champions!

Notes About The Show:
The ring announcer for the evening was one of the newest FCW Divas, Jamie Keyes.
The announce team for all three shows was Byron Saxton & Abraham Washington.
Ata Maivia, mother of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and daughter of  Hall Of Famer “High Chief” Peter Maivia was once again in attendance.
Alex Riley became the 9th person to hold the FCW Championship since the reemergence of the title back in 2008. He now joins Jack Swagger, Sheamus, Joe Hennig, Eric Escobar, Drew McIntyre, Tyler Reks, Heath Slater, & Justin Gabriel on the list of those who have had the honor to wear the belt.
The tag title match between The Uso’s and Baretta & Croft became my FCW Match Of The Year (so far) surpassing the match between Justin Gabriel & Kaval a few weeks ago. Truly amazing work by all four.
Lots of changes during this show as Baretta & Croft, as well as Heath Slater, solidified their babyface turns as Joe Hennig turned heel.
Those noticeably absent from the show included Alberto Banderas, Darren Young, David Otunga, Kaval, Michael Tarver, Percy Watson, Richie Steamboat, Serena, Vance Archer, and Wes Brisco.
Here is a list I posted earlier in the week to clarify who all the new names on the show are. Their photos can be seen at FCWwrestling.com:
Cable Jones – Formerly Dr. Lamar Braxton Porter in WXW.
Drake Brewer – Former All Japan star Joe Doering
Hunico – Formerly known internationally as Incognito & Mystico.
Jacob Novak – FCW student.
Jamie Keyes – Was briefly Kevin Nash’s arm candy, Brittany, in TNA.
Leo Kruger – Ray Leppan. Known in South Africa as Damien Duke
Rudy Parker – Adam Atherton. Former OVW star Asher Knight
Tamina – Sarona Snuka. Daughter of Hall Of Famer Jimmy Snuka.
Tito Nieves – Cousin of Primo & Carlito Colon, Orlando Colon.

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