*Spoilers* 3 Weeks of FCW Taping Results: New Champions!

Week Three (airdate 04/11/2010)
Match 1: Jackson Andrews & Curt Hawkins defeated Tito Nieves & Hunico when Hawkins pinned Hunico
Match 2: Drake Brewer pinned Johnny Prime
Match 3: G-Rilla pinned Rudy Parker
Match 4: Duke Rotundo won by DQ over Jimmy Uso when Jules Uso interfered. Bo Rotundo made the save
Match 5: Justin Gabriel pinned Wade Barrett. After the match, Riley & Barrett beat down Gabriel until Heath Slater came out to make the save.
After the taping ended, Lt GM Norman Smiley came out and declared that this was going to be settled right now in a tag team match…
Dark Match Main Event: Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel defeated Alex Riley & Wade Barrett when Gabriel pinned Riley.
More on page 4…