*Spoilers* 3 Weeks of FCW Taping Results: New Champions!

Week Two (airdate 04/04/2010)
Match 1: Eli Cottonwood pinned Jacob Novak
Joe Hennig came out to vent about his and Brett DiBiase’s tag team championship loss to the Uso’s at an FCW live event in Crystal River, FL on 03/13/2010. He stated he carried the team and that DiBiase was never 100% and that’s why they lost the belts. DiBiase came out and a shouting match ensued. DiBiase got in the ring and challenged Hennig, but Hennig retreated to the back. This appears to be a heel turn for Hennig.
Match 2: 6 Diva Tag Team Match: Liviana, Courtney Taylor, & Naomi Night defeated Savannah, Aksana, & A.J. Lee when Night pinned Savannah
Alex Riley came to talk about his FCW title win. He brought out Wade Barrett and announced that his rich family were the financers of Barrett’s assaults on Justin Gabriel and that the final payout is now owed. Alex the called out Naomi Night, Courtney Taylor, Liviana, and Rosa Mendes who all came out carrying a giant check made out to Wade Barrett. The hilarious bit ended with Barrett telling Riley that he had better hope that no one else outbids Riley for his services.
Match 3: Skip Sheffield pinned Tyler Reks
Match 4: Florida Tag Team Title Match: Jimmy & Jules Uso (with Tamina) defeated “The Dudebusters” Trent Baretta & Caylen Croft when Jimmy pinned Baretta.
More on page 3…

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