(Spoilers) Full TNA Impact Taping Results For Next Monday

Eric Bischoff is backstage with Jay Lethal and Lethal instructed Bischoff to come up with a main event-esque match. Bischoff has a match in mind and he tells Lethal to go to the ring.

Jay Lethal defeats Beer Money with a small package on Roode while Storm was not paying attention.

Desmond Wolfe defeats D’Angelo Dinero as a result of hitting Dinero with brass knuckles while Chelsea distracted the referee.

The cage is being set up for the main event.

Kurt Angle and Ken Anderson cut promos talking about their cage match at Lockdown. It was announced that there will be a ladder match between Anderson and Angle on next week’s Impact.

Eric Young, Rob Van Dam, and Jeff Hardy defeat The Band in a Steel Cage Match when Eric Young pinned Sean Waltman after an elbow drop from the top of the cage. The finish of the match saw Hardy hit a Swanton followed by a Five Star Frog Splash from Van Dam and finished with the elbow drop from the top of the cage.