RAW Results 5/17 – Commercial Free RAW, New US Champion!

Backstage The Miz and Jericho are consulting each other and Miz grabs a mic and cuts a promo and he walks to the ring. He talks about how he chose Hart because he wants to beat the "national treasure" and Hall of Famer in one match. He mocks Canadians and continues to talk about how he is going to spit on the Hart name. He says in a few moments he will make Bret scream in pain and tap out with the Sharpshooter. 

United States Title Match (No DQ / No Countout)

The Miz vs Bret "Hitman" Hart

Bret makes his way out looking like he is ready to go. He bounces off the ropes and loosens up and the bell rings. The Miz gets out of the ring and grabs the mic. Miz says he doesn’t trust Bret and he paid some guys to take care of the Hart Dynasty when they show up. Regal and Kozlov come out to ringside and the Dynasty come from the crowd and take the fight to Regal and Kozlov. Jericho jumps the guardrail and takes his jacket off and Natalya comes in and slaps Jericho. Bret punches Miz but gets taken down by Jericho. Smith makes his way into the ring to help, but gets dumped outside and it’s back to Miz and Bret. Miz puts him in the Sharpshooter and Tyson Kidd breaks it up. Kidd and Smith hit the Hart Attack and then Bret locks in the Sharpshooter on Miz. Miz immediately taps out and we have a new US Champ.

Winner and NEW United States Champion – Bret Hart

The crowd is going wild as Bret and the Dynasty go to all four corners and celebrate in the ring. Michael Cole is cutting a heel like promo on commentary as he bashes Hart for showing up and for Bret needing the whole family to beat Mr. McMahon at Wrestlemania. He says Miz didn’t deserve this as Lawler is cheering Bret as is the crowd as he leaves the arena with The Hart Dynasty. 

Another commercial/promo as Beth Pheonix and the Bella Twins are sitting with Santino, who is mocking the Dos Equis guy. He says he doesn’t always watch sports entertainment, but when he does, he watches Monday Night Raw. He sips the beer and spits it out and says it tastes like goat urine.

Six Women Tag Team Match

Michelle McCool, Layla & Maryse vs The Bella Twins & Eve Torres

Maryse goes after Eve before the bell and the girls catfight before the teams go back to their own corners. Layla locks up with Eve and goes for a rollover pin for two. Eve hits a neckbreaker and Brie blind tags in. Michelle kicks Brie off the apron while the ref is distracted and she rolls Brie back in the ring. Michelle tags Layla back in and Layla misses a legdrop. This allows her to tag in Nikki, and she dropkicks Michelle several times and gets a near pin. Nikki knocks Maryse off the apron, but Michelle knocks down Nikki and quick tags Maryse back in, who hits the French Kiss DDT for the pinfall. After the match the girls continue to fight until the referee backs Maryse off.  

Winners – Michelle McCool, Layla & Maryse