WWE NXT On SyFy Results (Final Show): June 1, 2010

WWE NXT On SyFy Results

June 1, 2010

Report by Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com

WWE NXT On SyFy Opener:

A video package airs highlighting the history of WWE NXT up to this point. The package includes comments from all the rookies who were eliminated, as well as those still going strong.

From there we go into the intro for the show. Michael Cole and Josh Matthews welcomes us to tonight’s big event. Matt Striker gets into the ring….

In-Ring Segment: Matt Striker

Striker announces the five rookies who have been eliminated. Those five are sitting ringside. All the NXT pro’s are introduced and take a seat on the stage. CM Punk is wearing his mask still. Each rookie still remaining in the competition comes out to the ring.

Striker announces that there will be two Pro’s Polls tonight and that the three rookies left in the competition will be facing each other in a triple-threat match.

Cole and Matthews reveal that season two of NXT will begin next week and we will meet the next season’s Pro’s and Rookies throughout tonight’s broadcast.

NXT Season Two: First Rookie & Pro Revealed

We meet our first rookie for season two of NXT, and it is a fella by the name of Husky Harris. He is apparently the grandson of BlackJack Mulligan and the son of Mike Rotunda, aka I.R.S. Harris’ pro will be Cody Rhodes.

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The three pro’s representing the remaining three NXT rookies are all headed to ringside. John Morrison cuts a promo on his rookie, Eli Cottonwood.

David Otunga vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Wade Barrett

R-Truth, Matt Hardy and Chris Jericho (respectively) are at ringside to support their rookies. This is not a typical triple-threat match. The rules for this are elimination style rules. Each person pinned or submitted is eliminated. Barrett is beaten down from the get-go. Otunga going to work on Gabriel now. The theme of the match seems to be one guy selling on the floor while the other two work in the ring. Gabriel hits an insane 450 splash onto Otunga in the ring. Barrett breaks up the pinfall attempt and pins Otunga himself. Otunga is now eliminated. It’s down to Barrett and Gabriel.

We return from commercial to find Barrett hitting a gut buster and abdominal stretch on Gabriel. Gabriel fighting back now with kicks to the body of Barrett. He hits a nice flying cross body for a nearfall. Barrett goes for his finisher but Gabriel counters out of it. Gabriel hits a sunset flip on Barrett for a pin attempt. No dice. He misses the big 450 splash. Barrett rolls Gabriel up and gets the 1-2-3 for the victory.

Winner: Wade Barrett

The NXT Pro’s get together to make their first Pro’s Poll of the evening.

Another NXT Rookie:

MVP cuts a promo for his rookie, Percy Watson. A short video package for Watson airs. He seems to be a rip off of the Orlando Jordan character in TNA.

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Another NXT Rookie:

Zack Ryder cuts a promo for his rookie, Titus O’Neil.

Matt Striker Interviews:

Striker asks each of the eliminated NXT rookies who should win and why. Michael Tarver thinks he should win it himself. Daniel Bryan says Otunga can’t wrestle and Gabriel can’t talk, therefore he feels Barrett should win. Skip Sheffield says he doesn’t care who wins. Darren Young says Barrett should win. Heath Slater also says Barrett.

Pro’s Poll:

The first Pro’s Poll of the evening features Wade Barrett in the lead, Otguna in second and Gabriel third. Gabriel is officially eliminated. It’s down to Barrett and Otunga!

Gabriel Exits:

As Gabriel is walking up the ramp, Matt Hardy cuts a promo putting him over. He says Gabriel was like Matt Hardy and he wishes him luck in the future.

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Another NXT Rookie:

Michelle McCool and Layla cut a promo for their NXT rookie – Kaval (aka Low Ki). Kaval said he’s from Brooklyn, the greatest city in the world.

Another NXT Rookie:

Mark Henry cuts a promo for his NXT rookie – Lucky Cannon.

Promo Contest: David Otunga

This is the final competition. Each guys gets 60 seconds to explain why the other man should be eliminated. Otunga said the only person Barrett scares is his dentist. He follows up by saying the only triple-threat match he would be in that people would care about is himself vs. Aqua Fresh vs. Listerine. He said he can learn how to wrestle but Barrett can’t be taught the "it factor."

Promo Contest: Wade Barrett

Barrett says Otunga has a good body but no idea how to use it. He says Great Khali moves better than Otunga. Barrett says people telling Otunga he has the "it factor" is just a nice way of saying he doesn’t have any good qualities, I.E. – wrestling or talking. He says you need to add two letters to "it" to understand what Barrett thinks of Otunga.

Another NXT Rookie:

Kofi Kingston cuts a promo for his NXT rookie – Michael McGillicutty, the son of the late Curt Hennig.

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Pro’s To Decide Next:

The NXT pro’s are getting together to decide who will be the winner of the show.

NXT Season Two Change:

Josh Matthews reveals that a change for NXT season two will be the Pro’s having 50% of the power and WWE Universe will have the other 50% of the vote.

Another NXT Rookie:

The Miz cuts a promo on his NXT rookie for season two — Alex Riley.

Pro’s Poll Numero Dos — NXT Winner Is …

The second Pro’s Poll is revealed. William Regal congratulated Chris Jericho but R-Truth said nothing has been announced yet. Regal said the only reason Otunga is there is because he married well. Ouch. He says he’s seen Otunga’s wife and maybe he didn’t marry that well after all. Double ouch. Regal and R-Truth go face-to-face. Jericho says his guy will win because he mentored him. He said Skip Sheffield would have won if he was Jericho’s rookie. Regal says Barrett would have won with anyone. CM Punk takes off. Striker puts up the second Pro’s Poll. A drumroll hits and we find out that Wade Barrett is the official winner of NXT season one.

NXT Winner Reaction:

David Otunga asks if Ashton Kutcher is still around because this has to be a Punk’D. He talks about losing another reality show in the past. Striker congratulates Barrett on his victory. Barrett cuts a promo and says he knew, along with Jericho, that he would win from the very beginning. He tells the Pro’s to be careful because the Wade Barrett era is about to begin.

DISCUSSION: Chat about WWE NXT in our Wrestling Forum.