WWE RAW Results (3/14): More Returns, Miz Strikes Again!

Alberto Del Rio (w Brodus Clay) vs John Cena

Alberto flips Cena over and keeps him in a headlock but Cena escapes and hits a shoulder tackle, and Alberto rolls outside as we go to a break. When we get back, Alberto is in control as Cena gets back to his feet and he hits a side suplex and both men are down as the ref starts counting. They get back up at the same time and double clothesline each other and the ref starts the count once again. They throws punches as they stagger to their feet and Cena hits a shoulder block and a side slam, then signals for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. He hits it and lifts Alberto for the AA but Brodus runs in to stop it and they attack Cena as the ref rings the bell.

Winner by DQ – John Cena

The Rock’s music hits and "he" comes out, but it’s really Miz in a bald cap. He makes his way to the ring as Alberto and Brodus continue to attack, and Miz hits the Rock Bottom on Cena, then props him in the corner so Alberto can kick him in the head. Brodus hits a fallaway slam that knocks Cena out of the ring and Miz mocks Rock and does his pose on the turnbuckle, then goes outside to pick up Cena off the floor.

He rams Cena’s spine into the turnbuckle, then says here’s your Road to Wrestlemania and cracks him in the head with the microphone. He tells Cena he has owned him for three weeks, and will own him all the way to Wrestlemania, then hits him with the mic again. Miz takes off his shirt to choke Cena with it, and suplexes him on the ramp and continues to go after him. Cena psyches up for a brief moment and lifts Miz for the AA, but Miz drops out of it and DDT’s him on the top of the stage.

He mocks Cena and tells him to get up for the fans, and asks if he wants more. Miz throws him headfirst into the giant WWE logo on the stage, and waits for him to struggle to get back up. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale onto the metal base of the sign, and he continues to mock an unconscious Cena on the stage as he stands over him as RAW goes off the air.