WWE RAW Results (3/14): More Returns, Miz Strikes Again!

Michael Cole stands up in his "Cole Mine" and says he is about to expose Lawler and he is bringing someone back to show what Lawler is all about. Cole gets in the ring and says he knows how defensive Lawler gets about his family, but he won’t talk about them because his family will be talking about them. Cole introduces Lawler’s son Brian Christopher, and he dances his way to the ring to his Grandmaster Sexay theme. Cole says he has a question for him, and he asks why he never went by Brian Lawler in his career, and Brian says he felt like he never had a father.

He says King neglected him, and he never really wanted a child because he never wanted anything to steal his spotlight. He says he made it on his own but Lawler wouldn’t even acknowledge he was his son, and Lawler has heard enough and picks up a microphone. He says he is glad he never used the Lawler name, because he is a bigger screw up than Charlie Sheen, and he can’t believe he would associate with Cole. Brian asks him how it feels knowing that he competed at Wrestlemania before King, and slaps him in the face trying to get King to answer. Brian says the reason he never used his name is because he is ashamed of his father, and he drops the mic and walks away and Cole starts running his mouth again.

Cole calls him a loser and says he will put him in his place and … BOOMER SOONER it’s Jim Ross! JR comes down to the ring to a huge ovation and Cole says he has been waiting for this, but JR tells him this has gone far enough. Cole tells him to go away because it is his show now, and JR says he has been meaning to talk to him about that. JR says it was his honor to work with King, but none of them will ever be the voice of RAW, because it is the WWE Universe that is the voice. He says King has been carrying Cole the whole time, and JR calls him a rat bastard. JR goes to leave and Cole says he always imagined it like this and says JR is leaving with his tail between his legs, and JR turns around and takes off his coat and hat.

He tells Cole he is going to kick his ass, and Cole tells him to bring it, as Jack Swagger attacks Jerry Lawler from behind. Swagger gets in the ring and goes after JR and puts him in the Ankle Lock, and he is screaming out in pain as Cole is asking him how it feels. King jumps in to briefly stop the attack, but Cole jumps on him and Swagger puts him in the Ankle Lock, then Cole puts JR in the Ankle Lock and screams that they’ll think twice about doing anything to him again.


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