WWE WrestleMania 27 Results – April 3, 2011

-Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Rhodes comes out as they show the history of the Rhodes-Mysterio feud. Mysterio is out next in a Captain America-looking costume. Cool fireworks go off and he finally makes his walk to the ring. This could be a show-stealer, we’ll see! Mysterio attacks Rhodes early, not even letting him take his jacket off. Rhodes finally slows him down. Rhodes tries ripping the knee brace off of Mysterio. Rhodes with a huge jumping kick off the middle rope. Rhodes is in firm control of the action. Rhodes hits an Alabama Slam for a nearfall. Rhodes holds Mysterio up in a suplex position for a solid 10-20 seconds while on the middle ropes. He finally leans back and finishes the superplex. Crowd really dug that. A “Cody, Cody” chant breaks out. Rhodes keeps control of Mysterio and is working on getting some heel heat back by trash-talking Mysterio. He attempts a Cross Rhodes but Mysterio counters, knocking Rhodes out of the ring. Mysterio is slowly fighting back now. Mysterio goes for the 6-1-9 but Rhodes catches him coming in and slingshots him in the ropes. Rhodes is working on taking the knee brace off of Mysterio. He finally does take it off and throws it to the floor. Mysterio hits a big moonsault off the top rope for a nearfall. Mysterio working on taking the mask off of Rhodes. He finally does. Mysterio sets up a 6-1-9. He hits it on the exposed face of Rhodes. Mysterio goes for a splash off the top but Rhodes moves. Mysterio kicks him down. Mysterio puts the face protective mask of Rhodes on his own face. He ties it up and goes after Rhodes. He’s hitting flying headbutts on him with the mask. Mysterio hits a huge diving headbutt off the top rope for a nearfall. Mysterio takes Rhodes’ mask off. Mysterio goes for a dive onto Rhodes on the floor but Rhodes catches him coming through the ropes with a knee brace shot to the face. He gets back in the ring and hits the Cross Rhodes for the pinfall. Rhodes wins.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

Backstage: Snoop Dogg

Backstage we see Snoop Dogg with Teddy Long. Snoop asks for some help. Teddy says he’s got some WWE stars to audition for him. They sit at a table. William Regal comes in to audition. Snoop passes. Now we got The Great Khali and some chick singing songs from Grease. Snoop passes. Zack Ryder sings that cheesey pop song “Friday.” Roddy Piper shows up behind him. He knocks him out with a coconut to the head. Snoop Dogg gives Piper his props. Piper walks off. Chris Masters is standing alongside Yoshi Tatsu. He does the titty dance while Tatsu sings “we will rock you!” Snoop passes. Hornswoggle comes up dressed like Ice Cube. Snoop wants Hornswoggle. Teddy explains he can’t talk. They get up and leave. Hornswoggle starts rapping while the Bella Twins dance alongside him. Cheesey shit.

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