Photo Credit: WWE via Twitter

WWE ID Title Tournament Matches Announced For WrestleMania Week

The WWE ID Championship tournament will begin during WrestleMania week.

In a post on Twitter/X, WWE ID announced that the WWE ID Championship Tournament will start in Las Vegas during Wrestlemania week with two Opening Round events.

Game Changer Wrestling will present the ID Tournament as part of The Collective on April 16th. Future Stars of Wrestling will then present the ID Tournament on April 18th after Smackdown.

Sean Legacy, Zayda Steel, Ice Williams, Jackson Drake, Swipe Right (Brad Baylor and Ricky Smokes, Zara Zakher, and Cappuccino Jones will compete, with more talent to be announced soon.

The post stated that more information will be announced soon.

WrestleZone will provide more information as it becomes available.


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