TNA Sacrifice Nic Nemeth
Photo Credit: TNA

TNA Sacrifice Results: Review, Grades, Card For March 14

Our results for TNA Sacrifice include Moose defending the TNA X-Division Championship against Jeff Hardy and Masha Slamovich defending the TNA Knockouts World Championship against Cora Jade. Our results, grades, and card for TNA Sacrifice from El Paso County Coliseum in El Paso, Texas, can be seen below.

TNA Sacrifice Card

  • Laredo Kid & Octagon vs. First Class (AJ Francis & KC Navarro)
  • The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) & Ace Austin vs. Wes Lee, Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe
  • TNA Knockouts World Championship: Masha Slamovich (c) vs. Cora Jade
  • Joe Hendry, Matt Hardy, Elijah, Leon Slater & Nic Nemeth vs. The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC), Orlando Colon & Eddie Colon
  • Ladder Match for TNA X-Division Championship: Moose (c) vs. Jeff Hardy
  • Street Fight: Mance Warner (with Steph De Lander) vs. Sami Callihan
  • Tessa Blanchard vs. Léi Yǐng Lee
  • Mustafa Ali vs. Mike Santana
  • TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (c) vs. Ash by Elegance, Heather by Elegance & The Personal Concierge

TNA Sacrifice Results

Pre-Show: First Class (AJ Francis & KC Navarro) def. Laredo Kid & Octagon

Backstage, Arianna Grace hypes up the title match between Masha Slamovich and Cora Jade. Tessa Blanchard interrupts and says it’s only a matter of time before she gets her title back. Blanchard says she will become the next TNA Knockouts World Champion.

The System and The Colons hype up the Steel Cage match, which will be the main event. Moose says he will prove why he is the greatest TNA X-Division Champion of all time.

Ryan Nemeth comes out to the stage and hypes up Nic Nemeth’s return.

Mance Warner and Sami Callihan are shown brawling backstage, and they fight into the arena. They wind up in the ring, and the match starts.

Mance Warner vs. Sami Callihan

Callihan sets up a trash can in the corner. He chops Warner. Warner sends Callihan and sends him into the trash can. He hits Callihan with a trash can lid. Warner grabs a chain and chokes Callihan. Callihan slams Warner through a table. Callihan cuts between Warner’s fingers with a poster. He shoves the poster into Warner’s mouth and cuts him with it. Warner slams Callihan onto a trash can lid. They trade blows. Callihan trips Warner onto a chair.

Callihan gets a staple gun, and Warner gets one of his own. They staple each other in the face. Callihan and Warner continue to staple each other. Callihan staples Warner below the belt. He staples Warner’s tongue to the turnbuckle pad. Callihan hits a Death Valley Driver onto a chair. They keep battling, and Callihan hits a Stunner. Steph De Lander throws powder into Callihan’s eyes. Warner hits a running knee for the win.

Winner: Mance Warner

Warner celebrates with De Lander after the match.

Grade: B

This was fine for what it was. It was pretty standard for the hardcore matches Warner and Callihan have both had, and they didn’t too anything too crazy, so it was relatively tame. De Lander’s interference sets up a likely rematch, but this was a good win to help establish Warner as a player in TNA.

Tessa Blanchard vs. Léi Yǐng Lee

Blanchard gets a live musical performance. Blanchard and Lee lock up and feel each other out. Lee hits Blanchard with some strikes and drops her with a German suplex. Blanchard sends Lee to the outside. Lee chases Blanchard back into the ring. Blanchard drills her with an elbow and drives her into the ropes. She sends Lee into the ring post. Lee fires up, but Blanchard catches her with a dropkick and grounds her. Lee rallies again with a series of strikes. She catches Blanchard with a dropkick. Lee hits an airplane spin and slams Blanchard.

Lee catches Blanchard in a leg-lock, but Blanchard reaches the ropes. She gets a two-count with a superplex. Blanchard ultimately puts Lee down with Magnum.

Winner: Tessa Blanchard

Grade: B+

Good, competitive match here. Lee looked strong in defeat. Blanchard remains a very controversial figure, but there’s no doubt about her talent between the ropes. It’s great to see Lee getting more opportunities to shine.

Backstage, Jeff Hardy previews his match against Moose and says he’ll win the TNA X-Division Championship. Nic Nemeth expresses his excitement about his return and says it’s about proving who’s the best of the best. Elijah says they are walking into a war. Leon Slater and Matt Hardy continue to hype up the match. Hendry says they have a lot of star power, and there will be no escape for The Colons or The System.

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) & Ace Austin vs. Wes Lee, Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe

Lee initially avoids Austin but tags back in. Austin catches up with some kicks. Lee rocks Austin with an elbow. Miguel and Dupont tag in, and Miguel sends Dupont crashing to the floor. Igwe and Wentz go back and forth, and Wentz hits a hurricanrana. Wentz dives onto Igwe. Austin and The Rascals dive onto their opponents, but The Rascalz get caught and slammed into the apron. Austin fights off Igwe and Dupont, and Lee shoves Austin into the steps. Igwe grounds Austin and double-teams him with Dupont.

Lee maintains the advantage. Austin tries to rally, and Lee superkicks his partners. Lee, Igwe, and Dupont continue to isolate Austin. Austin rallies and tags Wentz. Wentz and Miguel double-team Lee. Lee hits a diving stomp onto Miguel. Dupont and Igwe double-team Miguel with a chokeslam. Dupont slams Miguel. Bodies are flying, and Lee hits Wentz with a Meteora. Austin drills Igwe with a kick. He and Wentz kick Lee. Miguel drops Lee with a DDT onto the floor. Austin hits Lee with The Fold. The Rascals dive onto Dupont and Tyriek. Lee hits a corkscrew dive onto Lee for the win.

Winners: The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) & Ace Austin

Grade: B+

Very fun match here. Austin and The Rascalz work well together, as they complement each other. This also showed one of the best parts of the TNA and WWE partnership, as Dupont and Igwe got some reps against some veteran talent. Wentz scoring the pin seemed like a blow-off to his feud with Wentz, so hopefully everyone involved can move on.

Backstage, Steve Maclin discusses his upcoming match against Frankie Kazarian.

Steve Maclin vs. Frankie Kazarian

Eric Young joins the broadcast team for the match. Maclin drops Kazarian early on and hits him with some clotheslines. Kazarian takes control with a slingshot legdrop and a suplex. Maclin answers with some punches and an Olympic slam. He hits a running lariat in the corner. Maclin hits a running Spear in the corner. Kazarian catches Maclin with a DDT and goes for the Chicken Wing, but Maclin escapes. Maclin gets out of an arm-bar. Kazarian and Maclin trade counters. Maclin drops Kazarian with a running knee.

Maclin avoids the Chicken Wing. Kazarian locks it in, and Maclin tries to slam his way of it, as he sends himself and Kazarian to the floor. Kazarian keeps it locked in, and the referee breaks it up. Eric Young stops Kazarian from using brass knuckles and hits Kazarian with them. Maclin hits Kazarian with the KIY for the win.

Winner: Steve Maclin

Grade: B

This was solid for what it was. It feels like it’s been ages since Kazarian won the Call Your Shot Gauntlet. He seems to get some wins but not string together enough of them to become a genuine contender. The story with Maclin and Young has been told well, and it’ll be interesting to see how that progresses coming out of this match. Young’s interference protected Kazarian, so it’ll be easy for him to bounce back.

Backstage, Spitfire discusses defending their titles in a handicap match.

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: Spitfire (c) vs. Ash by Elegance, Heather by Elegance & The Personal Concierge

Ash and Heather double-team Luna. The Personal Concierge tags in, and Luna swings at him, prompting Heather to enter the match. Luna slams her and drops her with a back-breaker. Luna and Threat double-team Heather. The Personal Concierge distracts Luna, and Heather knocks her to the outside. He dances at ringside. Heather catches Luna with a dropkick. Ash grounds Luna. The Personal Concierge and kicks Luna. Ash hits Luna from behind. Heather and Ash keep Luna isolated.

Threat tags in and rallies. She drops Ash and Heather with a clothesline. Threat dives onto Ash and Heather at ringside. The Personal Concierge breaks up a pin and dances. Threat and Luna hit hm with the Pressure Drop. Ash and Heather hit a double-team stomp for the win.

Winners and new TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Champions: Ash by Elegance & Heather by Elegance

NXT’s Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend appear on the stage and stare down Heather and Ash after the match.

Grade: C

The Concierge being in this made it a comedy match, which took away from the action and lessened the weight of the title change. Jakara and Legend appearing added some excitement, but this was the biggest miss of the show up to this point.

Mustafa Ali vs. Mike Santana

Santana drives in driving a Low Rider. Santana charges Ali, who slides out of the ring. Ali and Santana go back and forth. Santana gains the upper hand. Ali gets a two-count with a roll-up. He chops Santana. Santana counters a tornado DDT and hits the Three Amigos. He dives onto Ali at ringside. Santana dropkicks Ali. Ali knocks him off the top rope and onto the apron. He hits a 450 splash onto Santana’s arm. Ali drops Santana with a neckbreaker and targets his arm.

Ali locks in an STF, but Santana reaches the ropes. He goes for a dive to the outside, and Santana catches him with a cutter. Back in the ring, they trade blows. Ali takes control, but Santana evades a 450 splash. Santana catches Ali with a rolling cutter. He hits a Frog Splash for a two-count. The Good Hands interfere, and Tasha Steelz slaps Santana. Ali slaps Santana and rolls him up while holding the ropes for the win.

Winner: Mustafa Ali

Ali plays mind games with Santana by putting a cup of beer on the mat and walking away.


Ali and Santana had maybe the best match of the night, as they both really brought it here. Santana has been built up as someone who could be the face of TNA, and he had a strong showing here. Ali picked up a solid win to help re-cement him following his return to TNA, and there will likely be a rematch given the tainted ending.

TNA Knockouts World Championship: Masha Slamovich (c) vs. Cora Jade

Jade attacks Slamovich during the introductions. Slamovich responds with some clotheslines. She takes control and overpowers Jade. Jade exits the ring. She pulls on the ring apron and huts Slamovich in the eye when the referee isn’t looking. Jade gains the upper hand. She keeps Slamovich grounded. Jade gets a two-count with a kick. Slamovich rallies and gains the upper hand. Slamovich drops Jade with a kick. Jade drops Slamovich with a Destroyer on the apron.

Jade gets a near-fall, as Slamovich gets her foot on the ropes. Slamovich gets a two-count with a pin attempt. Jade and Slamovich go back and forth as they trade blows. Slamovich pins Jade with a piledriver.

Winner and still TNA Knockouts World Champion: Masha Slamovich

Grade: B

Fairly solid match here, but it felt like it was missing something. It was a quality win for Slamovich, but this didn’t quite live up to the hype.

Ladder Match for TNA X-Division Championship: Moose (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

Moose and Hardy both get ladders. Moose stops Hardy from going for the title and goes for a clothesline, but Hardy avoids it. Hardy dives onto Moose at ringside. Moose sends Hardy into the steel steps. He slams Hardy onto the apron. Hardy gains the upper hand. He pulls out a custom ladder and hits a leg drop onto it while it’s on top of Moose. Hardy climbs up the ladder, and Moose hits him with a chair and powerbombs him. Moose hits Hardy with a chair again. He slams Hardy onto the ladder.

Moose pulls out a table. Hardy dives onto Moose at ringside. Hardy climbs the ladder and goes for the title. Moose follows him, and Hardy drops him with an elevated Twist of Fate. Moose superplexes Hardy. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate, and Moose immediately hits a Spear. Hardy sends Moose over the ropes and onto a ladder with a back drop. He hits a Swanton through a table. Hardy gets back in the ring and goes for the title. Alisha Edwards interferes and hits Hardy with a kendo stick. Hardy hits Alisha with a Twist of Fate. Moose sends Hardy through a table with a Spear. Moose unhooks the title and wins the match.

Winner and still TNA X-Division Champion: Moose

Grade: B+

This was one of the better matches on the show. Hardy can still go, and he thrives in matches like this. Moose held his own, and both used weapons to add to the chaotic nature of the match. Hardy’s Swanton to the outside was scary, as he had a rough landing. Moose’s Spear through the table was nailed perfectly. At this point, it seems like Moose won’t lose the title and will instead cash in Option C.

Backstage, Mike Santana approaches Santino Marella and makes it clear that he wants a rematch. Marella books the match for Thursday’s episode of TNA iMPACT, and Tasha Steelz and The Good Hands will be banned from ringside.

First Class (AJ Francis and KC Navarro) come to the stage and say it’s time for a new episode of the First Class Penthouse. They hype up their new merch. They introduce their own record label First Class Records, and they hold live auditions. Francis turns his attention to a little kid and says he won’t be in First Class. He says none of them deserve to be in First Class. The Aztec Warriors (Octagon and Laredo Kid) interrupt. Francis tells Octagon to speak English. Laredo Kid calls them cheaters. They briefly brawl, and officials break them up.

Steel Cage Match Headlines TNA Sacrifice

Steel Cage: Joe Hendry, Matt Hardy, Elijah, Leon Slater & Nic Nemeth vs. The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC), Orlando Colon & Eddie Colon

Elijah rides in on a horse and asks, “Who wants to ride with Elijah?” He sings a song. Edwards and Elijah start the match. Elijah hits Edwards with some chops and clotheslines him. He drops Edwards with a boot and sends him into the cage. Myers enters the match and hits a diving Spear. He grounds Elijah. Edwards and Myers double-team Elijah.

Nemeth enters the match and levels the playing field, but Orlando Colon enters and takes the fight to Nemeth. Leon Slater enters the match and hits a hurricanrana. Eddie Colon enters and sends Slater into the cage wall. The System and The Colons maintain the advantage. Matt Hardy enters the match and rallies with a flurry of offense. JDC enters the match with a chair. He sends Slater into the cage wall and slams him into it. Myers hits Slater with a chair. Hendry enters the match. Myers holds the door shut, but Hendry fights his way in. Hendry hits Edwards with a Fallaway Slam.

Myers hits Hendry below the belt. Team System gangs up on Hendry. Edwards sends Nemeth into the cage and slams him with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Ryan Nemeth runs to ringside and cheers on Nic. Slater hits the Swanton 450 from the top of the cage.

Nemeth hits the Danger Zone. Hendry hits Myers with the Standing Ovation. Hardy drops JDC with a Twist of Fate. He hits another Twist of Fate onto the chair.

Winners: Joe Hendry, Matt Hardy, Elijah, Leon Slater & Nic Nemeth

Hendry and his team celebrate. The team leaves, but Hardy and Nemeth are left alone in the ring. Nemeth drops Hardy with a Danger Zone. Nic Nemeth and Ryan Nemeth gang up on Hardy. Nic grinds Matt into the cage and busts him open. He headbutts Matt. Ryan sends Hardy into the cage wall. Nic Nemeth continues to attack Matt as the show ends.