chelsea green
Photo Credit: WWE

Chelsea Green Sees This NXT Talent Thriving On The Main Roster

Chelsea Green has spent some time in WWE NXT as of late and names one talent that she believes will soon be thriving on the main roster.

WWE Women’s United States Champion Chelsea Green recently sat down with Alistair McGeorge of Metro. When asked about Sol Ruca, who Green has had some physical interactions with as of late in NXT, Green praised the performer and believes she is someone who will thrive on the WWE main roster.

“That’s a woman right there that I could totally see her going up and thriving on the main roster,” Chelsea Green said. “As you can see, my nose is intact, it was not broken. It did bleed, like – my goodness, like a fire hydrant! But we’re good. I sound a little nasally, but look, I’ve still got my championship sitting there on my bed.”

Green will defend the Women’s United States Championship next week on NXT against Sol Ruca.

WrestleZone has live coverage of WWE NXT every Tuesday evening.

READ MORE: Chelsea Green Teases Match With Nikki Bella: I Feel Like The People Want It

What do you make of Chelsea Green’s comments? Could you see Sol Ruca thriving on the WWE main roster? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.


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