wwe nxt roadblock

WWE NXT Roadblock Results: Review, Grades, Card For March 11

Our WWE NXT Roadblock results for tonight include Jordynne Grace taking on Roxanne Perez, Je’Von Evans seeking revenge against Ethan Page in a New York City Street Fight, TNA World Tag Team Championships are on the line when NXT Tag Team Champions Axiom and Nathan Frazer challenge Matt and Jeff, The Hardy Boyz, NXT Women’s North American Champion Stephanie Vaquer clashing with NXT Women’s Championship Giulia in a winner takes all match, NXT Championship Oba Femi defending against TNA X-Division Champion Moose. Here’s our review and grades for tonight’s show, live from Madison Square Garden.

WWE NXT Roadblock Card:

  • NXT Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Moose
  • TNA World Tag Team Championship Match: The Hardy Boyz (c) vs. Fraxiom
  • Winner Takes All Match: NXT Women’s Champion Giulia (c) vs NXT Women’s North American Champion Stephanie Vaquer (c)
  • New York City Street Fight: Ethan Page vs. Je’Von Evans
  • Jordynne Grace vs. Roxanne Perez

WWE NXT Roadblock Results:

TNA World Tag Team Championship Match: The Hardy Boyz (c) vs. Fraxiom

Matt and Axiom kick off the match, trading submission holds and strikes. Matt beats Axiom into the corner. Sit-down style powerbomb by Matt. Axiom kicks out. Jeff and Matt double-team Axiom. Frazer tags in and helps Axiom land a flurry of kicks to Jeff. Jeff falls out of the ring. Frazier and Axiom each land several dives. After the break, Frazer tries a dive and ends up getting caught by Matt.

Matt lands a side effect out on the floor. Jeff and Matt land the Plot Twist. Axiom kicks out. Axiom counters the Twist of Fate and lands a superkick. Spanish fly by Axiom. Frazer follows that with a phoenix splash. Matt pushes Axiom into the pin to break it up. Jeff takes out Axiom and Frazer with a whisper in the win. Twist of Fate by Jeff. Frazer kicks out. Axiom accidentally double-stomps Frazer’s face. Jeff lands a Swanton on Frazer for the win.

Winners and STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions, The Hardy Boyz!

Grade: B

Frazer and Axiom are so much fun to watch, and this is coming from someone who generally isn’t impressed by the flippy dippy, peanut butter skippy stuff they constantly do. The mix of strikes and submission wrestling makes Fraxiom the complete package. The Hardyz are still playing the hits, which isn’t an insult. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Oh, and the right team won.

Backstage, Mickie James gives Jaida Parker a pep talk.

Jordynne Grace vs. Roxanne Perez

Perez tries to run away. Grace gives chase and takes down Perez. Grace beats down Perez. Perez kicks Grace’s knee into the steel ring steps. Perez works over Grace’s injured leg. After the break, Grace reverses a roll up by Perez into a package powerbomb. Perez kicks out. Grace tries a muscle buster. Perez escapes and tries a crossbody. Grace catches Perez, but her knee gives out. Grace powers Perez up for a DVD. Perez sorta lands on her feet and lands a superkick. head scissor DDT by Perez. Perez locks Grace in a crossface. Grace escapes and hits a rolling DVD followed by the Juggernaught Driver for the win.

Winner- Jordynne Grace

Grade: B+

Fun match. This one wasn’t as good as the last time these two locked up, but still quite solid. Grace and Perez are perfect opponents. Perez’s size and technician-based style mesh perfectly with Grace’s powerhouse style. This seems like it was Perez’s farewell NXT match, as the incumbent stars almost always go out on their shield. Grace needed a solid win to start her march towards a championship.

Backstage, NXT Champion Oba Femi runs into the Undertaker. Taker tells Femi to go defend his yard tonight.

NXT Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Moose

Femi lights Moose up with a chop. Moose gets run over by Femi. Moose pops to his feet and clotheslines Femi over the top. Femi crashes to the floor. Moose heads out to the apron. Femi swats Moose like a fly with a chop. Moose lands a big boot. Femi falls off the apron. Moose calls for a clothesline. Femi reverses it into a uranage on the apron. After the break, Moose is working over Femi. Femi surprises Moose with a tossing powerbomb. Fall from Grace by Femi. Moose rolls out of the ring. Moose sends Femi into the ring steps.

Both men trade strikes. Moose tries his double jump European uppercut, but Femi counters with an uppercut of his own. DVD Powerslam by Femi. Moose kicks out. Moose posts Femi and hits up a superplex. After landing, Moose tries to transition into another suplex, but Femi counters with a suplex of his own. Femi and Moose trade strikes. Moose lands a pump kick, but Femi doesn’t go down. Femi turns Moose inside out with a lariat. Femi tries another Fall from Grace.

Moose reverses it into a powerbomb of his own. Femi kicks out. Moose sets up another powerbomb. Femi lifts Moose on his shoulder and press slams him to the floor. Moose is almost counted out. A hockey fight breaks out. The fight spills out of the ring. Moose sends Femi into the post. Moose chokeslams Femi through the commentary desk. Spear by Moose! Femi kicks out! Moose calls for another Spear. Femi counters with another Fall from Grace for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Oba Femi!

Grade: B+

This writer isn’t a fan of Moose, but this was the best match he’s ever had. This thing was excellent. Two big men with a light mix of high-flying. Both men are juggernauts in their own right, and both managed to shine bright while attempting to murder each other tonight. This thing was close to perfect. Someone go check on Big E… He may have had a stroke with all of these big, beefy men slapping meat.

New York City Street Fight: Ethan Page vs. Je’Von Evans

Page decks Evans as soon as the bell rings. Evans sends Page out of the ring. A dive by Evans sends Page into the crowd. Evans pulls Page back to ringside and tries to smash him with a chair. Page avoids it and launches Evans into the steps. Evans eats a chair shot from Page. Page sets a chair up in the corner. Evans manages to wack Page with a chair. Evans dropkicks Page into a chair. An Arabian Press ranna sends Page flying into another chair. Evans pulls a table into the ring. A strike exchange ends with dueling steel chairs.

Read More: Ethan Page Names His TNA Dream Opponent

Evans drops Page on a chair with a blue thunder bomb. Page whips Evans off the top with a suplex on two chairs. Evans kicks out. Page lands a ripcord powerslam through a table. Evans kicks out again. After the break, Evans tries a springboard but gets knocked out of the air by a right hand from Page. Ego’s Edge by Page. Evans kicks out. Page and Evans trade punches. A right hand sends Page careening out of the ring. Page misses a chair shot.

Evans bounces off the ropes and lands an enziguri. Page rolls out to the apron. Evans leaps over the top and puts Page through a table with a cutter. Evans lands another dive that sends him and Page sailing over the commentary desk. Page kicks out of Evans’ finish. Evans wraps a chair around Page’s head. Page avoids getting his head stomped in. After a series of reversals, Evans lands a cutter on a chair. Evans wraps the chair around Page’s neck and hits a springboard cutter! Evans pins Page.

Winner- Je’Von Evans

Grade: B

+1 for both dressing for a street fight. Wearing wrestling gear for a street fight is asinine, and it’s great to see two young talents buying into classic wrestling tropes. Evans is a great underdog, and Page is the most hatable person in NXT. This feud is a match made in heaven. Page always finds creative ways to make it seem like he’s murdering Evans. And Evans is a fantastic seller, so this worked. Despite the amazing moves, both men pulled out, and the impressively scary finish was all dragged down by the beatdown after the match. This writer is willing to give this new group a chance, but so far, this ain’t it.

Winner Takes All Match: NXT Women’s Champion Giulia (c) vs NXT Women’s North American Champion Stephanie Vaquer (c)

Giulia and Vaquer aggressively lock up in the middle of the ring. Both women get tied up in the ropes. Vaquer and Giulia trade strikes. Giulia and Vaquer take turns trading finisher attempts. Neither woman can land a big move. Giulia rolls Vaquer into a pin. Vaquer kicks out and locks Giulia in a knee bar. Giulia rolls out of the ring to break the hold. Vaquer and Giulia trade strikes outside the ring. Giulia lands a huge missile dropkick that sends Vaquer across the ring. Vaquer uses a head scissors that sends Giulia out to the floor. Springboard splash by Vaquer.

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Vaquer lands a corner meteroa. Vaquer lands the greatest move in NXT history. Giulia kicks out. Vaquer goes up top. Giulia cuts Vaquer off and lands an avalanche butterfly suplex. Vaquer kicks out. Modified Michinoku driver by Giulia. Vaquer kicks out. Giulia gets hung up in the corner. Dragon screw by Vaquer. Vaquer hits the SVB. Giulia kicks out! Vaquer tries the sprial tap. Giulia counter with a triangle choke! Giulia transitions into the rings of Saturn. Vaquer gets to the rope. Giulia lands Arrivederci. Vaquer escapes the Northern Lights Bomb and lands several superkicks. Vaquer hits two SVBs for the win!

Winner and NEW NXT Women’s Champion, Stephanie Vaquer!

Grade: A

This was a hell of a wrestling match. Vaquer and Giulia didn’t hold back as they emptied their chambers on each other in the hopes of becoming the first woman to hold both the Women’s North American and NXT Women’s Championships at once. Giulia is talented, but Vaquer shined much brighter here, and that has been the case since both women debuted. Giulia has been a bit stale right out of the gate, which isn’t 100% her fault. She hasn’t been given much to do other than win the championship. There are no particularly hot feuds, just matches. Vaquer hasn’t had any big feuds, but her in-ring performances have been a heck of a lot more compelling than Giulia’s. Hopefully, this will lead to something more for both women, but the right person won tonight.

WWE NXT Roadblock Results:

Tonight’s show had a big PLE feel. This show featured great matches and not much filler, which is surprising for an NXT show. The main event stole the show, but it’s only by a small margin. Femi and Moose had one of the best big-man matches since Gunther fought Sheamus and Drew McIntyre at WrestleMania. Where do we go from here? Let us know what you think in the comments!

Rating: B+

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