Dave Bautista
Photo by Michael Tullberg/WireImage via Getty Images

Dave Bautista Reacts To Overcoming ‘Outsider’ Stigma In Acting Like Milla Jovovich

Dave Bautista had to overcome being an outsider in Hollywood and got a little help from his co-star Milla Jovovich in his latest flick.

The WWE legend is set to star alongside Jovovich in the upcoming action fantasy movie In The Lost Lands. Like Dave Bautista, she came into Hollywood as an outsider; she came from modelling, while he came from the world of professional wrestling.

He spoke about working together in an interview with Tyler Treese for ComingSoon. Treese asked what it was like working with someone else who overcame the outsider stigma. Bautista revealed that she made it comfortable on set for him, also revealing he’s a big fan of her work.

Dave Bautista On Working With Milla Jovovich

“It’s weird ’cause you’re giving me a whole new perspective ’cause I actually never thought about that. But so I didn’t meet Milla, I met Paul well before we started filming, I think even before I got the script. And so I had many conversations with Paul before we ever gotta sit. I didn’t meet Milla until we actually started working together,” Dave Bautista said.

“And once I told her – I wanted to get it outta the way – that I was a fan, you kind of get past that. So then we’re peers and we’re coworkers. But she was so just receptive of that. She didn’t make me feel like a fanboy, she made me feel like her peer and her co-star. And she made me comfortable. I didn’t have to feel self-conscious.”

“Maybe it was because of that, she kind of – and maybe it’s a subconscious thing – she gets it. She knew what I had been through and what I was kind of what I was trying to achieve for myself. I’d never actually thought about it until you put it in that perspective and it kind of makes sense.”

“Or maybe she’s just a wonderful human being and she really just found that I was also a good human being and just someone she could work with. But there was just like a natural chemistry there. And maybe again, maybe I believe in the subconscious and maybe it’s that because we had come from that place. Of people having the wrong perception of us, and who we wanted to be, and who we were aspiring to be,” added Dave Bautista.

Bautista may have felt very comfortable on the set of In The Lost Lands, but he recently shared that lack of preparation affected his work in one of his movies. Bautista said that because of this, he considered it to be his most challenging role to date.

Read More: Dave Bautista Shares ‘The Best Advice He Ever Got’ From Triple H And The Undertaker