will ospreay
Photo Credit: AEW

Will Ospreay Believes His Critics Would Be Wanking Into Tissues Over Him If He Went To WWE

Will Ospreay believes there is a lot of bias from critics when it comes to their assessment of WWE and AEW programming.

All Elite Wrestling‘s Will Ospreay was a recent guest on INSIGHT with Chris Van Vliet. When asked if a conversation with Chris Jericho back in 2018 made him slow down his wrestling style, Ospreay said it does because he wants people to digest what he’s doing.

“I mean, yeah, for sure,” Will Ospreay admitted. “Because I want people to digest what they’re seeing because I still do those stupid bumps, like the tombstone off the apron on the stairs. That was kind of silly. Yeah, looked great and everyone reacted, which it happens.

“But I also now plan those spots where I go, and this is where everyone f*cking complains about AEW. I do it because, personally, it’s like I just want to do it. I’m not like, f*cking kicking out and firing up and sh*t like that. I’m like, f*cking rolling my shoulder off, and if people are popping off about it, sweet.”

Double standards from wrestling critics

When asked about fans not being as critical about similar things happening in WWE, Ospreay said he believes his critics would wanking into tissues over him if he did his style over there.

“If I’ve had gone there, they’d be f*cking w*nking into f*cking tissues over me,” Will Ospreay said. “But it’s the same. That’s why you have to separate it, otherwise, you drive yourself insane. I think if you have something, my wrestling is my passion, it’s my job, most importantly. But if you have something that you’re passionate about, you really don’t care about what people are saying who have never impacted your career in your entire life.

“None of those people, once upon a time, they were big hits that anyone that’s ever complained about AEW like the grifters or whatever they’re called. I don’t know if that’s the right term. That’s what everyone says. But even if they say something, it’s like they’re not impacting our show. We’re the second most profitable wrestling company of all time.

“That’s not talked about enough, and everyone wants to dig on it. I get it, there’s things that we could generally improve on and I think it’s fair to listen to some criticism. But for me, I don’t lose sleep over anyone trying to tell me how to wrestle. Because now, look at me. I’m a f*cking idiot. I know I am, but I’ve carved out this little lane for myself.

“I was destined to be someone that either worked in McDonald’s or pushed trolleys at Tescos. But because I grafted at this, and because I learned the trade over in England and over in Japan, and my enthusiasm, my passion comes over here, I don’t let things like, oh this is sh*t. Why? Because it’s sh*t. Well, that’s not fair. If you give me criticism and you give me points that I can work on, then I’ll try my best to work on it. I’m not going to get it right away, but I think that’s the stuff that people need to speak more about.”

READ MORE: Will Ospreay Wants To Be A Postman When He’s Done Wrestling

What do you make of Will Ospreay’s comments? Do you think there are different standards held by critics when it comes to WWE and AEW programming? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.