wwe nxt vengeance day results

WWE NXT Vengeance Day Results: Review, Grades, Card For February 15

Our WWE NXT Vengeance Day results for tonight include Trick Williams meeting rival Eddy Thorpe in a strap match, Je’Von Evans seeking vengeance against Ethan Page, Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura challenging Fraxiom for the NXT Tag Team Championship, NXT Women’s Champion Giulia defending in a fatal four-way against Roxanne Perez, Bayley, and Cora Jade, Stephanie Vaquer battling Fallon Henley for the NXT North American Championship, Oba Femi defending the NXT Championship in a triple threat match against both members of A-Town Down under (Grayson Waller and Austin Theory. Here’s our review and grades for tonight’s show, live from the CareFirst Arena in Washington, D.C.

WWE NXT Vengeance Day Card:

  • NXT Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Grayson Waller vs. Austin Theory
  • NXT Women’s Championship Match: Giulia (c) vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Bayley vs. Cora Jade
  • NXT Women’s North American Championship Match: Fallon Henley (c) vs. Stephanie Vaquer
  • NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Fraxiom (c) vs. Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura
  • Strap match: Trick Williams vs. Eddy Thorpe
  • Je’Von Evans vs. Ethan Page

WWE NXT Vengeance Day Results:

Jaida Parker is in the crowd to watch the next match.

NXT Women’s North American Championship Match: Fallon Henley (c) w/Fatal Influence vs. Stephanie Vaquer

Vaquer rolls Henley into an STF. Henley fights to escape and almost gets put in Booker T‘s favorite movie. Henley rolls to the ropes to avoid the hold. Henley struggles mightily against Vaquer until Nyx sneaks in to attack Vaquer while the referee is distracted. Henley works over Vaquer.

Vaquer rolls Henley into the head scissor face slam. Brutal dragon screw out of the corner by Vaquer. Vaquer rolls up Henley. Henley kicks out, which sends Vaquer into the rope. Jayne blasts Vaquer with a nasty four-arm smash. The fight spills out of the ring, and Vaquer takes out Jayne and Nyx at the ringside. Vaquer hits the Spiral Tap for the win.

Winner- Stephanie Vaquer

Grade: B-

Fun match, but a bit choppy in parts. It’s sad to see Henley’s reign end in a bit of a popcorn fart, but the right person won here tonight.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Fraxiom (c) vs. Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura

Axiom and Frazer start off hot, clearing the ring. Briggs and Inamura land a combo chokelam/backbreaker combo for a near fall. Inamura unloads on Axiom with sumo strikes and chops. The NXT Universe is way into Inamura and his offense. Inamura and Axiom have a chop exchange. Inamura obliterates Axiom with a chop and begs Axiom to hit him with a chop of his own. Axiom responds with the Golden Ratio, which almost decapitates Inamura. Frazer gets the tag and clears the ring. Axiom lands a splash.

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Frazer tries to follow that with a springboard 450, but he underrotates and stomps on Brigg’s face. Briggs kicks out and powerbombs Frazer out of his boots. Frazer kicks out. Inamura sets up his frog splash. Frazer tackles Briggs over the top rope. Axiom cuts Inamura off and lands a Spanish fly. Frazer goes up top. Briggs cuts him off and chokeslams him off the top into Axiom. Inamura DVDs Frazer on top of Axiom. Frazer kicks out. Inamura stacks Frazer and Axiom and goes up top. Inamura misses the splash. Axiom and Frazer hit Total Elimination 2.0 for the win.

Winners- Fraxiom

After the match, all four men shake hands. A few guys in hoodies jump the barricade and destroy everyone in the ring.

Grade: B+

That match was a wild ride. What is it about Josh Briggs in tag team matches on NXT PLE’s that make him turn into Mike Awesome? Inamura is someone this writer hasn’t seen much of, but after tonight, it’s evident we need him on our TV screens more. Not sure who the attackers after the match were, but lets see were this goes.


Strap match: Trick Williams vs. Eddy Thorpe

Thorpe attacks Williams before the match starts, and the strap can be attached. Williams fires back and lands a flurry of offense. Williams goes up top. Thorpe pulls Williams off the top using the strap. Thorpe wraps Williams’ legs in the strap and stomps him out. Thorpe goes up top. Williams pulls Thorpe off the top using the strap. After a series of reversals, Thorpe nails Williams with the strap. Thorpe works over Williams. Williams fires up and locks Thrope in an STF using the strap. Thorpe manages to get to the ropes. Williams whips Thorpe. Trick Shot by Williams. Thorpe low blows Williams with the strap. Thorpe lands a running knee and pins Williams.

Winner- Eddy Thorpe

Grade: C+

Williams doesn’t actually need a win over Eddy Thorpe… and Thorpe desperately needed this win. But… what happens next?

Je’Von Evans vs. Ethan Page

Evans puts in a mouth guard and rushes to the ring. Page runs away. Evans lands a dive but almost goes clear over Page’s head. Page tries to get away, but Evans unloads with rights and lefts. The fight makes it into the ring. Page blocks the springboard cutter. Evans responds with a superkick. Evans nails Page with a springboard cutter on the apron. Page is out. Evans lays his head on the ring steps. Evans tries to crush Page’s head, but Page moves and dropkicks the steps into Evans’ ankle.

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Page works over. Evans’ injured ankle. Evans hits the Ego’s Edge. Evans kicks out. Evans fires up and stomps Page’s face (Page is busted open). Page rolls out of the ring. Evans lands a dive and sends Page back into the ring. As Page gets to his feet, Evans tries another springboard. Page surprises Evans with a nasty right hand. Evans’ mouthpiece goes flying. Evans hit the twist of fate for the win.

Winner- Ethan Page

Grade: A

This match was amazing. Evans did the one thing the majority of good guys never do when they are in a blood feud: this wasn’t about being bouncy; he was out of blood. We have never seen this type of intensity from Evans. Page is the perfect foil for a uber-face like Evans. Both of these men tried to kill each other. Please watch this match.

NXT Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Grayson Waller vs. Austin Theory

Theory and Waller immediately attack Femi. Femi suplexes both men. Waller and Theory toss Femi out of the ring. Waller and Thoery circle each other. Before the can fight, Femi pulls Waller out. of the ring. Femi destroys Waller and Theory with vicious chops. Femi launches the ring steps and hits Theory in the face. Before Femi can hit Waller, Waller drop-toe holds Femi into the ring steps. Waller beats Femi with a chair.

Waller tries a dive and gets caught, and the sidewalk slams on a chair. Theory and Waller double team Femi. Waller puts Femi through a table with a diving elbow drop. Femi kicks out. Theory argues with Waller for trying to pin Femi. Femi powerbomb Waller through the commentary desk. Theory hits Femi with a chair. Femi stumbles and eats A-Town Down on Femi. Waller pulls the referee out of the ring. Waller accidentally hits Theory with the Rolling Thunder Stunner. Femi destroys Waller with the Fall from Grace for the win.

Winner- Oba Femi

After the match, the same four masked men attack Femi.

Grade: B+

Awesome match. Oba Femi thrives in every situation, but for some reason, triple-threat matches are his bag. Odd to see the Theory/Waller breakup play out on NXT, but it seems having three hours of SmackDown isn’t enough time to factor in Waller and Theory. Either way, this match rocked. Femi dominated, but the added no DQ stip gave Theory and Waller the edge they needed to stay competitive here. This was a great piece of business, save for the beat down at the end. We already say this group lays out the tag team division. Which of these four men is going to challenge Femi?

NXT Women’s Championship Match: Giulia (c) vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Bayley vs. Cora Jade

Everyone brawls while Giulia watches. Giulia takes everyone out with a missile dropkick. Bayley and Perez clear the ring after landing dives. Jade pulls Bayley out of the ring. Perez begs Jade to get in the ring. Giulia boots Perez in the face. Bayley and Giulia are left standing and go nose-to-nose. Giulia and Bayley trader pin attempts. Giulia sets up a face wash, but Perez and Jade pull her out of the ring. Bayley and Giulia work together to beat down Jade and Perez outside the ring. Perez lands a beautiful double jump moonsault. Jade surprises Perez with a running boot. Jade boots Perez out of the ring.

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Diving senton to the floor by Jade. Jade goes up top. Perez cuts Jade off and tosses her to the floor. Bayley and Perez accidentally hit the Meta-Girls finish on Jade. Perez and Giulia take turns rolling each other into submission holds. Giulia lands the Snow Plow. Jade and Bayley break up the pin. After a tower of doom spot, Jade is the only person left standing. After a huge brawl, Jade drops Perez with the double-arm DDT. Giulia breaks it up with Arrivederci. Giulia hits Perez with Arrivederci, followed by the Snow Plow for the win.

Winner- Giulia

After the match, the new Women’s North American Champion, Stephanie Vaquer, Joins Giulia in the ring. Both women hold up their championships. Jordynne Grace‘s music hits. Grace joins the champions in the ring, and they all share a moment.

Grade: B+

Heck of a match. NXT has really nailed how to format multi-person matches. They generally don’t drag, and even if they are forced to have people duck out for minutes at a time, they at least attempt to make it make sense. Bayley disappeared for a few minutes because she ate Perez’s finish out on the floor. The cameraman didn’t shoot Bayley watching for her spot to get back into the match.

Everything that happened here was natural. The transitions to big spots, the time each woman got to shine, all of it just worked. This writer has to give a special shoutout to Jade tonight. This writer has been hard on her in the past (all in good fun), but the feedback pendulum swings both ways. Jade was crisp in the ring tght and the driving force behind a few of the best spots in the match. Add in the recently signed Grace, and the future of the NXT Women’s Lockerroom is shining brighter than the sun right now.

WWE NXT Vengeance Day Review:

NXT has gone back to its Takeover roots with this show. There is tons of great in-ring action, with Evans vs. Page taking match-of-the-night honors. This night didn’t have many negatives, but the biggest was the use of this new seemingly Sheild adjacent faction in NXT. Having them start off by beating down everyone in the tag team division is fine. Having them anywhere near the NXT Champion is premature and will tank this thing before it ever starts. If it’s revealed there is a big name leading these guys, perfect. If not, this group will be nearly impossible to get over with the NXT crowd. What did you think of the show? Let us know in the comments!

Grade: B+

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