WWE NXT Vengeance Day Women's Four-Way
Image Credit: WWE

WWE NXT Vengeance Day: Women’s Championship Four-Way Result

Giulia retains her championship in a fatal four-way match at WWE NXT Vengeance Day.

This finish of the match saw Giulia hit Roxanne Perez with a Northern Lights Bomb to score the pinfall victory.


After the match, Stephanie Vaquer came to the ring and both women posed with their titles. This brought out Jordynne Grace who faced off with both women as the show went off the air.

WWE NXT Vengeance Day results

Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:

Everyone brawls while Giulia watches. Giulia takes everyone out with a missile dropkick. Bayley and Perez clear the ring after landing dives. Jade pulls Bayley out of the ring. Perez begs Jade to get in the ring. Giulia boots Perez in the face. Bayley and Giulia are left standing and go nose-to-nose. Giulia and Bayley trader pin attempts. Giulia sets up a face wash, but Perez and Jade pull her out of the ring. Bayley and Giulia work together to beat down Jade and Perez outside the ring. Perez lands a beautiful double jump moonsault. Jade surprises Perez with a running boot. Jade boots Perez out of the ring.

Diving senton to the floor by Jade. Jade goes up top. Perez cuts Jade off and tosses her to the floor. Bayley and Perez accidentally hit the Meta-Girls finish on Jade. Perez and Giulia take turns rolling each other into submission holds. Giulia lands the Snow Plow. Jade and Bayley break up the pin. After a tower of doom spot, Jade is the only person left standing.

READ MORE: Bayley: We Wanted More Women; It’s A Lot To Keep Up With, But So Refreshing To See

What are your thoughts on this match result? Did the right woman leave WWE NXT Vengeance Day with the Women’s Championship? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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