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WWE Offers NIL Deal To Former Sumo Grand Champion Hidetora Hanada

WWE has offered an NIL deal to a former Sumo Grand Slam Champion.

Hidetora Hanada, a defensive lineman at Colorado State, announced that WWE offered him an NIL deal. He shared the news in a post on Instagram.

“I [am] honored to announce that I have received an NIL offer from WWE. Additionally, I was invited to attend Royal Rumble, one of WWE’s biggest annual events, in Indianapolis!

“Every time a superstar made their entrance, the entire arena erupted in a deafening roar, shaking the building with excitement. I experienced a level of intensity and thrill that was completely different from football or sumo wrestling—something truly unique to WWE.

“WWE is not just about the matches; they manage everything in-house, from camera crews and production staff to sound, set design, and props, creating a seamless entertainment spectacle.

What surprised me the most was WWE’s business model—not only do they produce their own content, but instead of simply providing shows to TV networks, they create and sell their productions directly to broadcasters and streaming services. This makes WWE a powerhouse in the entertainment industry.

“Having had the opportunity to step into a completely new world and witness the pinnacle of sports entertainment, I am truly grateful to be involved with WWE.

“This experience has been invaluable, and I look forward to learning even more and applying these lessons to my future!”

Hanada is a former Sumo Grand Slam Champion; he won at the 2022 World Games.

WrestleZone will provide more information as it becomes available.

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